{german blog illuopa}

I just stumbled upon a great blog called Illuopa written primarily in German by an illustrator named Patrick who lives in the countryside just outside of Hamburg. I love illustration, especially from vintage children's books, so I'm quite keen on his blog since he highlights a lot of great German illustrators. I thought I'd point you in that direction in case you're interested.

German blog illuopa

I'm going to try to do my best over the next months to get back on topic here at haus maus and start posting about more German-specific stuff. I'm been a little lame in that department, I promise to do better. :) (image: illupoa)


Seems to me that I have seen a similar visual print as a vintage wallpaper....somewhere..?
Hi Holly!
Thank you very much for featuring my blog. You have such a nice blog with a lot of nice followers and your taste in style is "doppelgut"!
It is also interesting to have a look through the eyes of somebody who seems to like this country.
By the way - I am living in a tiny village near Buxtehude.
Oh, thanks for this blog link. I'm a huge fan of vintage illustration! The image you shared is so lovely.
littlemithi said…
Thanks so much for that ... just in time to edit into my recent post about children's book illustrations!
alix said…
OOOOH Holly how did i miss this???? Love it love it!! And yes please....more more more!

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