
Today we spent the day in Cambridge, MA in Harvard Square and although the weather was only 60 degrees, it was so fresh and lovely out with a great energy in the air. Sipping on boba tea, we hopped around to all of these book stores like the Coop and the Harvard book store along with some antique book shops and a multi language shop called Schoenhof's Foreign Books where I met a cashier from Munich and purchased a German language CD/book kit.

Sweet in Harvard Square Rocks!

We also hit the international newsstand and went to Grafton Street for a delicious lunch. We walked the grounds at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University where we enjoyed a peaceful garden with a fountain. We hit Tokyo Kid for some Japanese strawberry marshmallow candy and to see if they had anything new. We watched the Peruvian band on the corner who hit every major city in the world playing their pipes and drawing a large crowd, selling CDs after the show. I found a new book called The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It by Jonathan Zittrain, a professor of Internet Law at Harvard (I can't wait to read it).
Loot from our Boston trip

And at the end of the day, we went to the most exquisite little slice of heaven called Sweet, with letterpressed take out boxes and gorgeous wallpaper and above all, delicious little cupcakes in flavors including Red Velvet, Boston Cream Pie (of course), Vanilla, Lemon, Coconut Chocolate and more. That, dare I say, was the icing on the perfect cake called a lovely day with my adorable husband.

My backyard during sunset

And then we drove home, an hour by car, and made it just before the sunset. Here is our backyard as we arrived. Lovely, isn't it? It was this perfectly lovely shade of yellow-green thanks to the golden sun. So serene. Our little city escape here in the New Hampshire countryside. (images: Holly Becker)


bettyninja said…
sounds like a lovely day!
Chelsea Van Tol said…
Ahhh, what a lovely day you had, bookstores of any kind are the best :) pretty photos, too. and cupcakes, AHH!

jon said…
YUM! cupcakes!
Unknown said…
I love the Coop store! I think Boston/Cambridge is gorgeous.. If you enjoyed it there, you should keep on driving north and head to my city of Montréal! Lovely shops, Old Port and delicious food to eat. Make it a wkend with your hubby... ;P
Waxy said…
Sounds like a great day! Your yard is lovely - so peaceful looking! Future of the internet and how to stop it? Sounds interesting - you will have to let us know more!
Lori said…
That sounds like a wonderful day and the backyard picture is heavenly! My hubby grew up in Cambridge so it is very familiar to us....for some reason I thought the Coop had gone out of business...I'm glad it's still around! Those cupcakes look like they are to die for!!! lol
Anonymous said…
That sounds like such a sweet day! Now, I need to know where your vase with the roses in it came from!?
Danielle said…
It sounds like the perfect piece of heave to me! How's your ankle going?
Sarah said…
Wow, what a day! I'm so jealous =)
Thanks also for the book mention - I'm a law student and very interested in the future interaction of the law and the internet. Going to add it to my amazon wish list =)
Anonymous said…
Is that a lake or river you have there? Lovely.
Jules said…
That does sound like a great day! I have to say, all of your pictures are just gorgeous.
Juliette said…
awwww, I miss Boston! I don't miss working in the city, but I do miss getting to play in it! (and getting my hair cut there too!)

I wish we could go visit it when it's sunny and warm, but we'll have to wait until this Christmas. Glad you got to have a nice day!
Sarah said…
What a fabulous day. One of the things I love about blogging, is using it to remember these wonderful days.

Your post also reminds me of a mad two week trip 2 friends and I took to New England, into Canada and to New York back in 1989. And also how I'd love to go back, with my husband and 2 daughters in tow. Back then we spent some time in/around Cambridge, Boston and Harvard. Thank you.
nicoletter said…
Oh what a lovely packaging design and the cupcakes looks delicious.
KERRY said…
Those cakes look completely delicious! And your garden...stunning! What a wonderfully lovely weekend!
Have a nice day too
sounds like a perfect day. i am drooling over those cupcakes. i must check out sweet stat!!
Kimberly Julie said…
1- That book sounds absolutely fascinating!
2- Those cupcakes look even more delicious than their packaging... Somehow.
3- I love New Hampshire oh so much! (Aside from the brutal winters.) All of my family lives in Sandown.
4- Your blog really does inspire me more than any other. Truly. Thank you so much!
RLMEnglish said…
Your yard, as well as the cupcakes are brautiful. Sounds like you had a lovely day!
The cupcakes divine - the scenary in your backyard, lovely. Definitely a beautiful day! Thanks for sharing.
haus maus said…
Danielle - it's doing better, though today I'm a little sore from walking around harvard square yesterday. :(

Blue-in-Green - Neither, it's a little pond. :) A muskrat lives in it, he has the whole pond to himself though a blue heron visits often and we have two ducks that stop by.
Cecilia said…
I love Cambridge, and those cupcakes look amazing. Have you been to L.A Burdick? They make the best hot chocolate!
Dovely said…
the packaging on those is BEAUTIFUL! yumyumyum
Victoria Klein said…
It sounds like quite a delightful day. When I was thinking of having my wedding in Boston, I wanted to get cupcakes from Sweet ... will have to head to the city and finally TRY them now ;)
→lisa said…
I'm so jealous of your yard! I want one....waaaaah!

I love it when it gets to be warm enough to move your life outside of the house for bit.
Bee Designs said…
That sounds like a lovely day and those cup cakes...well! Your garden is beautiful, it must give you such alot of enjoyment and inspiration.
Stockton said…
Gosh, that sounds like a beautiful day!
Traveling Mama said…
What a fabulous way to spend the day! Those cupcakes look amazing and I hope you will give us a little review on the book. It seems like we've come so far... what does the future hold?
Josephine said…
the last photo is stunning! and i'm geeking out because i have the same cat plate that is in your cupcake photo :)
alix said…
Oooh what a lovely day! I haven't been back to Cambridge since my college reunion ages ago. It was amazing back then, but I know its gotten even better! (I think the Peruvian band was playing back then too!!) Those cupcakes are insane!

Did you change your masthead or have I been dense and not noticed that awesome knit coffee mug?? (i eyed it for weeks when I got my morning latte and never broke down and got one. Drat!)

Happy Monday Holly!
I love your blog! This post was great because I am from Boston and I love that cupcake shop!! Glad I found a great new blog!
By the way... your yard is amazing!! So peaceful looking!
Stephanie said…
Your yard looks so lovely... as do those cupcakes. such a pity that there nearly aren´t any cupcake stores in Germany. you couldn´t bring some of them with you when you return to Hannover? ;-)
Evil_Sunflower said…
Dear Holly, it's such a pleasure to read your blog :) All those yummy pics! I was in Boston last summer, it's such a peaceful lil city, it even comes close to Hanover (which is definitely the best city on this planet).
So u're learning German, huh? Let me know if u need any help/a conversation partner.
Evil Sunflower
Nicole said…
How beautiful! I wish I could even think to take such pretty pictures as you do, let alone have them turn out nicely. For now, I appeciatively post and peruse others' photos, but I hope to capture more of life's special sights and treats on my own someday.

I am visiting Boston this fall and you have inspired me to no end!
Thea Coughlin said…
so very very lovely! I was in MA / harvard square this past week photographing a divine princess party-with yummy butterfly cupcakes (photos on my blog)

These cupcakes look divine and so does your backyard. I live in upstate NY and the green of spring is just so intoxicating

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