{The Smiles Are Back}

Today I'm energized and ready to go, funny how a little sleep, some candles and Morrissey can do the trick. How are you doing today? I have been thinking a lot about decorating and how I want to start working on some projects in August as I have quite a bit of work and travel planned between now and then. But August looks good despite the flight to Germany and the anniversary party for our friends happening during that same month. Yes, August is a month in which I will start to decorate and paint and do some lovely new things in my German apartment again. So stay tuned. And have I told you? Thorsten and I will take on a larger apartment. We will start our search in August, this time to maybe buy something but if not purchase we'll simply seek out a larger rental. In Germany the rental market is very different than in the states. Most of our friends have lived in their apartments their entire life. It's common to rent over owning in Germany (in the cities) and this appeals to me. I often wonder if I'll ever own a house. Am I the owning-a-house type even? I prefer city living so perhaps a condo but do I want to bother owning a condo. I mean, who can say the tenants moving in and out all around me will always be good ones. If I own, I'm stuck. So we'll see if I will own or rent ultimately. It's not so important to me these days. I'm much more keen on simply attaining a larger property in Germany so as to have a designated home office/creative studio space and for my husband to also have his own office. Currently, my husband works at his "office" which is a desk in our bedroom and my "office" is the dining room table in our living room (in Hannover not New Hampshire, more space here). How can this work out long term? It cannot. If we both worked primarily outside of the home I can see less problem with living in a 600 square foot city apartment. New Yorkers do it all the time. But when a couple both works nearly full-time at home there is a need for ones own space. There is also a need for me to have absolute silence at times and my husband is quite chatty throughout the day. While the interruptions usually do not bother me, I do confess to his spontaneous combustions of thought, as I call them, to break my train of thought and as a writer I need to keep my eye on the ball. I'm prone to going off track by nature anyway so the less interruption the better for me. When I'm intensely focused on a project I like to lock myself in a very inspirational room that supports me emotionally and go about my work. Are you this way too? This is absolutely vital to my progress on a project or else I can lose inspiration and end up out socializing with my friends or off running errands placing my work aside to finish later. Later often means deadlines nearing their due date and me stressing out trying to complete them. As a writer, if you miss deadlines you pretty much can kiss your good reputation goodbye. Writing, especially on the web, is all about staying fresh and on top of your game at all times. So this is what's on my mind today. No more whining from me for awhile. :) Thinking about my 'next' apartment in Germany is a very happy thought. Yes, I know I just took a new apartment and gut renovated it last year, but we plan to spend much more time over there now so a larger space is on my list of must-haves. My wish list: I'm hoping for a space with a bedroom, living room, eat in kitchen, large entryway, large bathroom, balcony, and 2-3 extra rooms for our offices and a future baby. Must have cellar storage and a place to put our bikes. I will also require high ceilings and wood floors though I have no problem with replacing the flooring and installing the wood myself. I've done that a thousand times before. My list of priorities are higher than these few things, so it may take me several month. We'll see what I can find. My husband, on the other hand, is pretty content to find a 4 room apartment which in German terms, this means living room and 3 extra rooms (the kitchen does not count as a room). I, on the other hand, want a 5 room apartment because I know that if we have a child next year I will not want to give up my office for a nursery and neither will he. We simply cannot. And this will mean moving again. I do hope my husband lets me win on this one. I think, long term he'll understand why I'm pushing for this. Five rooms would be ideal. Double or triple what we pay currently for 2 rooms but I am not working full-time for nothing! Home is very important to me. Some woman desire jewelry, cruises, expensive clothes and shoes, spa days, but not me. I would rather put most of my money into my home life. It's the only place on this planet where I am 100% myself at all times, there is love in my home, should this not be the place where I put my time and energy and in the end, my cash? Why not. How are you doing today? (images livingetc)


Josephine said…
glad the smiles are back! are you relieved that your blue mood passed? i'm feeling pretty good today, too.

i'm happy to know that you'll have a new apartment to share with us and new adventures in decorating when you're back in germany.
Oh I remember the battle with my husband about our first house together. He liked new, I liked old but updated...luckily we found a new house that had features that were old style and not the new "cookie cutter" type of home. Glad to see your smile back! Although I did enjoy the last post because it made me feel that I was not alone in having those kind of days.
melissa loves said…
Yes, absolutely...and I am with you. I would rather put most of what I have into my home, that is where I am 100% myself. It is worth the investment! I am excited to see what you find and what you do! :)
steven mcvay said…
Hey Holly im so with you on this one, i live in a 4 room house, living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, and how i long for a 5th room just to spread about, and guests can have a room to stay in instead of a floor to sleep on.
I can have a small work space where my sewing machine and the ephemera of a crafty life can be kept at all times, and not hidden away in boxes... oh and yeah i rent, and dont really see a time in the near future when we will be ready to afford to buy, especially in stupidly expensive london where i live.. so i dont want much, just one more room.. please ?
Victoria E said…
Glad to hear that your mood is on the upswing - mine is too :) My fiance and I decided to move up out wedding from May 2010 to October 2009 ... so now I have 6 months to plan a wedding for us and our 25 guests :O


Any recommendations for great ceremony or restaurant reception locations in Boston? I'm thinking it will be better to go there than have everyone fly to Connecticut ... there is much more to do in Boston :)
Monica said…
That extra room is definitely a need to have luxury. We just moved to our new house a few months ago and am so happy to have more space. We have finally have an office (no more computer on the dining table) and we have one spare room. After years of small apartment living it is pure bliss. Wishing you much luck on convincing your husband and on finding the perfect place
Unknown said…
Dear Holly,

I'm very impressed by your blog. It's a joy reading your comments. As to the appartment, I agree with you, I would insist on renting a 5-room appartment, although, here in Germany the difference in rent is quite high if you look for something bigger than a 3-room-place. In the long run you will be happier though, because having one's one space is so important.
I understand you so well when you say that feeling comfortable at home is most important, thus spending money here is really worth it. I'm curious to hear about your progress in finding a new home. Don't hurry, take your time to find the best deal.
Good luck!

Juliette said…
Your post could be mine, lol. I was a little wary of our 3ZKB when we first moved here, thinking a baby would push us out, and although we're not pg yet we're moving to a 4ZKB as a preemptive strike and to rid ourselves of some other problems of our current space. So I'm with you when you say you want a 5ZKB!

I wonder if we'll ever own too. Part of me doesn't care, but part of me hates paying somebody else every month and never having the asset myself. I also want to own a patch of green, and not a just a random plot of rule-infested public garden.

I'm SUPER curious to hear about the Hannover rental scene in terms of looking for something as large as a 4 or 5ZKB. Our city centers around the Uni and pretty much all of the big apts are WGs and getting one to yourself is nearly impossible and/or a massive, massive, massive reno project. Even if we said sky's-the-limit on rent, we had a hard time finding a 4zkb and I never saw a 5zkb listed. Anything with 5zkb ended up being a whole house rental out in the 'burbs. The good thing about all the 4zkbs we saw was that nearly all of them were dachgeschoss, under the roof, so high ceilings at least in most of the apt were really common.

Hannover is a proper CITY, so I'm sure you'll find something. I can't wait to see what it is! Good luck with the hunt!!
Nathalie said…
You wouldn’t believe how much this resonates with me Holly! I couldn’t believe it myself. We are moving this very weekend!
It’s costing the same as where we are now, but it’s not in such a nice area, although it is much bigger. With rents falling all over Dublin now, friends can’t believe we’re continuing to pay the same amount of money – but I love my my home so much, I love spending time in it, relaxing, working, thinking. I happily forgo designer shoes and bags (but not camera gear!) so I can spend a bit of my hard-earned cash on our apartment. A lot of my peers see their place as simply somewhere to eat and sleep – they want somewhere cheap and convenient. I want somewhere that’s a home. Thank you for your post, it arrived just when I needed it!
Heather said…
Hi Holly,
Yes, I can totally see you being a "house" person...you have so many great ideas! But, what about a "house" in the city...a townhouse perhaps? Are any of those available in Hannover? I can also see you having a delightful little garden in the back.
Speaking from my one year experience...babies come with lots of things (and many of those things are plastic, and take up lots of space!) so, go for the extra room...perhaps it's similar to "dressing for the job you want"..."buy an apartment for the life you want?"
Good luck!
→lisa said…
Just catching up here.

I'm glad to hear that the dark cloud lifted -- they always do, and unlike some people I don't think it's bad to simply indulge those moods now and then.

I really look forward to seeing your new place in Germany (and I hope you get all the rooms you need!)
Renate said…
Oooh, I can just see one of those apartments in a building from around the 1900's, high ceilings, high windows, wooden floors... And yes, I agree too: go for 5 rooms. You can always change plans if you find a house that feels made for you but doesn't exactly fit your wishlist.
Trish said…
Hi Holly, I am happy to Know that the bue mood has passed. After reading your post I am wondering an really curious is it common to have such big apartments in Germany. In Uk is very expensive, in Mexico not so much.
Hello Holly,
it's funny I just realized that our husbands share the same name. You know, maybe the idea of owning or renting a place in Germany is a solution for my homesickness. I miss my German life so much at times and when I am there I always have to invade my friends and families homes. We usually go back for six weeks in the summer and that is long time for staying somewhere as a guest.
I have to think about this and to answer your question: I am doing o.k. - have a little scratchy throat...
Cynkz said…
Space is so important. I am living in Frankfurt in a two room apartment and I like to paint... needless to say I feel like my place is constantly a mess. I think that you have your own office sounds like a great luxury I am dreaming of. I also agree about investing in your home. You have two homes right?
Little Lovables said…
I am like you as well. I really focus on my project at hand and it drives my husband crazy!

Lovely photos, I hope you find a great place!
Unknown said…
"When I'm intensely focused on a project I like to lock myself in a very inspirational room that supports me emotionally and go about my work."

I'm 100% with you on this! Good luck in your search - I'm sure you'll find a perfect gem!
misslynsey said…
Exactly what I'm dealing with right now, too. I live in ny and we are apartment hunting- as I type this I have craigslist open, haha. The 2 seperate offices are absolutely crucial to us; right now mine's in the living room and his is in the bedroom, but I'd love to have a larger seperate work space this time around. Can't wait to see what you find, good luck!
I look so forward to hearing how the apartment hunt goes and for reading more of your German life tips. My husband and I moved to Berlin (from Amsterdam, and before that Paris) in February and are loving it!!!
Your commment, "Will we ever own?" made me smile. With constant moves due to work we've begun asking that same question... the only answer seems to be buying a vacation house somewhere but do we really then want to be stuck going to one locale again and again and again?? Oh the dilema's of life!
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,
I totally hear you about needing your own space- especially when you work at home....I can not work with distractions- including clutter! So I often end up cleaning BEFORE I can really tackle a project.

And I think he'll have to understand...it makes complete sense to get a bigger place now....babies are little - but they need their own space too :0)

And your comment about spending money on the house (as opposed to spa treatments and such) is so me- no wonder I like you so much! I'd much rather save my money for a nice piece of furniture or a vintage find rather than say, get a manicure!
Plush Palate said…
I love those stools!
I am trying to figure out how on EARTH I missed the fact that you have this blog??? Yeah!!! As an expat I can understand SO much about the space issues. My husband and I and our three kids live in less than 1300 sq feet, which by European standards is HUGE. We are planning on moving to Europe next spring and I don't know how we are going to squeeze ourselves into a smaller space. I have my office/creative space and I live in it. My daughter asked me yesterday what my favorite room in the house is and before I could answer she said, "well, of course the art room because that is where you always are." That's a good thing, right?? :-)
I, unlike many people, love house hunting and moving. I love the thrill of dreaming of each house I see, decorating it in my mind, and imagining all the possibilities!

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