{peonies + e-courses}

I found this photo tonight, it's from last Summer taken here in New Hampshire. I remember the exact day when my best friend (husband Tee) surprised me with a ravishing bunch of pink peonies that I placed into a vintage aqua teapot. It was May and the weather was sunny and warm. I placed these beauteous blooms near an open window so the breeze would lift their delicious perfume into the air kissing every corner of my home. Flowers make me happy and since it is winter I have to make do with my memories. Funny, looking at this photo now I recall why I never bothered to upload it. At that time I did not find it interesting but now 9 months later I'm suddenly taken by this image and cannot believe I once thought it was a mistake shot, a crap photo, junk. Isn't it funny how we discredit our work one day and fully support and value it the next? Speaking of criticism and photography, tomorrow I begin an online photography class given by British photographer Susannah Conway. It's called Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself and it's not so much about how to take photos as how to find yourself and your feelings, how to unravel, through your photos. I'm really interested to see what this 8 week e-course experience will be like for me. It's my first e-course and I'm both scared and excited. Have you ever taken an e-course? (photography by holly becker for haus maus)


I can't believe you ever thought this was a crap photo. It's BEAUTIFUL, Holly! Peonies are my favorite flower. I'm so taken with their disheveled beauty and light fragrance. I can't get enough of them. Thanks for posting this. I'm now dreaming a few months ahead when they'll be blooming all through my garden!
Anonymous said…
Love the photo and the story; can't wait to hear more about the e-course; sounds so exciting and sure to uncover something; please keep us informed about it. thanks so much for sharing, jana
Unknown said…
Ooh, Holly- that shot is so graphic and wonderful. I'd love to paint it on a very large canvas. Peonies are my favorite flower as well and always take me back to my childhood. Thanks!

Linda @ Many Muses Studio
There is nothing to say. Only amasing and enjoying!

Have a nice week!
Allison said…
What delicious, warm colours! I usually buy myself flowers every few weeks in Feb-Mar to get me through the dreary end of winter until there start to be signs of spring outside. I just bought my first bouquet this weekend... a big bunch of white daisies.
Terriaw said…
Isn't this a great time to re-appreciate those gorgeous peonies? Must be the time of year.

I took an e-course once a couple years ago, studying Shakespeare. It was great fun! This creativity course looks fun, so I'll be anxious to hear more about your experience.
Vivienne said…
yay! i'm taking the course too. i'm so excited for what will come of it!

and that image is gorgeous!
Jan said…
Wow! That photo is wildly stunning! It has it's own vintage feel built right in. The details are incredible!!! Glad you revisited so we could visit, too!
haus maus said…
Thank you so much you lovely ladies. :)
prettyfotos4u said…
I also have photos that I think are yucky, then when I look at them again months or years later I see something different! Isn't it funny how our minds process things? I've taken two Photoshop e-courses and loved them! Have fun with yours.

Unknown said…
Oh, Holly, the image is so wonderfully delicate - I can almost smell them! The class sounds really interesting, keep us posted. Thanks!
Yes, what an absolutely gorgeous photo.....And I love your story to go along with it...what a glorious moment that conjures up. Thank you for sharing, it inspires me!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous shot...can['t wait until i have my own peonies in my garden! ;)
Anonymous said…
What a lovely photo! Peonies are my favorites too! When I was still a very very poor student my grandfather would buy them for me sometimes. They brightened up my small student room and I thought they were the most luxurious thing ever. They still make me think of him and smile.
Good luck with your photo workshop. It sounds interesting. Will you share some of the results?
wow what a amazing photo, so dreamy and pretty!
Anonymous said…
Don't peonies have the most amazing fragrence? I don't think I'd ever smelled them until after I met my boyfriend. Last summer he regularly gave me one or two flowers from his peony bush and I routinely buried my face in their petals as they sat in a vase in my kitchen. Beautiful! I planted my own peony bush last year just because I love the happiness of the flowers.

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