{do you use polyvore?}

I just discovered Polyvore! Well, I've known about it for at least a year, but I never bothered to look around or create a profile. Today I decided to try it out and I'm hooked, it's really fun. Here is my first 'collage', it's called Almost Lover and is a fashion inspired collage. I had no clue what I was doing but it was fun and with a little more practice this could be a nice virtual way for me to be creative on days when I don't feel like dragging out the arts and crafts supplies. :) dancing in paris by decor8 almost lover by decor8 a quiet storm by decor8 Are you on Polyvore? You can view my profile and add me as a friend if you'd like. xo, Holly


Eva said…
yes, I have an account at Polyvore too :) It's really addictive, specially when you start to participate at contests and groups too! So much fun and so much window - shopping, without spending a penny ;)
Sarah said…
Such lovely inspiration. I have not yet joined Polyvore as I feel it is something else to get addicted to! But I think I will give in and join now that I've seen your lovely choices :)
amanda james said…
hah, i am on polyvore too. this is funny ;-)
Anonymous said…
I do love Polyvore! I've had an account for about a year and I forgot all about it. I'll have to get back to it. Thanks for the reminder! :)
Unknown said…
These are great!!i lately found Polyvore too, i hadnt realised you could be as creative with it, i thought before it was just to create outfits. but its very addictive, a bit like flickr favourites theres always more to see,heres to a happy 2009
all the best to you H&T
kat x0x
Chrisy said…
...not sure if i'm game to head on over there...will never get off the computer!...but love your collages so just might have to peek!
I bookmarked Polyvore a long time ago not really paying that close attention.(In fact, I think I found it via Creature Comforts :))When you posted this I thought I'd go have a look see again. Oh my! It's so much fun to browse so many lovely items in one place and see all the creative takes on everything.
I've been creating and as soon as I publish I will add you as a friend.
Very cool! Thanks for remiding me about this fun site. I had so much fun playing and creating on it yesterday.
Hey Holly,
Hope you had a great Holiday!
I also recently used Polyvore and thought it was pretty cool...but realized I could spend HOURS on there so I won't be doing it that often. However its totally fun to try out a few times . Its like having a closet with unlimited designer outfits available to you.... : )

Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
I love these darlin! They are so beautiful!
Pair of Writers said…
I just heard about Polyvore in the Etsy forums - people are upset because photos of items from their shops are appearing on Polyvore with out their permission.
Anonymous said…
I just read about Polyvore on the lovely Art and Ghosts blog. She is terribly upset with it because many people are using her images without her consent. This has also been happening to a number of other atrists who post their images online. I think that Polyvore is an interesting idea but perhaps it could use a bit of fine tuning to prevent this type of thing.
Anonymous said…
How fun! I played with it a little bit, but I haven't added anything yet. I'll play with it a little more tomorrow and add you!
Anonymous said…
*yaay* fantastic! I've just added you.. I LOVE Polyvore, I'm even a fan on Facebook ^_^

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