{urban outfitters comes to germany!}

For my German friends, this post is for you. Have you heard? Urban Outfitters will soon open a store in Germany only an hour from where I live... In Hamburg! Yay! I hope this means that Anthropologie will follow in the future. I always tell my husband that if they opened a Starbucks, Anthropologie, Target, and Paper Source in Hannover I'd never have to return to America. :) They just opened the first Starbucks in Hannover this week downtown, so things are already looking good. UO in Hamburg will be located at Gansemarkt 45, and the phone number is 0049-4032-807-884 in case you want to call them to see when their opening date is. Map here. Yay! UPDATE: Some living in Hamburg said that the store is open now!


Stratos Bacalis said…
With the exception of Starbucks, can the rest of them open up in Greece too?
kat said…
These stores are always on my list of places to vist... not that often that we manage a trip from South Africa. Enjoy UO!
Anonymous said…
um ehrlich zu sein, glaube ich, dass die viele deutsche gar nicht so heiss auf starbucks sind. ich weigere mich sogar, da reinzugehen. es gibt so viele nette cafés und starbucks ist da sicher kein segen...
Juliette said…
Hamburg is already on our 'to-visit' list for next year, so this is a little something to look forward to! Agh, and I just saw they were in Antwerp too, poop b/c we were in Brussels yesterday...next time!

Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update, Holly! I've never actually bin in an Anthropologie or Paper Source, and the closet Target to where I lived was 100 miles in the US. Oh no Starbucks, either. (Wow. I lived in the sticks.) For me, the shopping in Germany is already worlds ahead. Part of the reason it is would be this blog--thank you.
Unknown said…
Hm. In the beginning it might be interesting to have cool new shops you've heard from, but with every big chain spreading worldwide it gets more and more uninteresting to visit other countries.
I would prefer a development to more new independent stores, but this might be quite romantic ;)
Still it's a strange feeling to meet someone on another continent who wearing a shirt you own yourself or is sleeping in the same ikea-bed...
Hi Holly! Looking forward to their opening. I always hoped for Starbucks to come to Germany and now we even have four stores over here in Bremen :) I would appreciate Anthropology to open stores here as well, of course, Ben&Jerry's parlors and Crate & Barrel.
Have a very nice weekend in Hannover! Jeanny
nichole said…
Oh cool, I'll have to email my colleagues immediately. Though they are in Bavaria, they'll make the trek to Urban Outfitters, no doubt.
Anonymous said…
The store already opened last week :)
Anonymous said…
really? starbucks over german coffee? german coffee is a million times better then burnt starbucks! i wish i could have some bakerei coffee right now. =)
haus maus said…
Regina: I do not go to Starbucks for the coffee, I go for their Chai! :) I also go to Starbucks before I like the atmosphere, you can linger there for as long as you'd like, listen to good music, and relax.
Anonymous said…
good news: urban outfitters has already openend in Hamburg, I´ve been there one week ago!
haus maus said…
anon: Ich mag die kleinen Cafés besser, aber Starbucks ist auch ein guter Platz, zu entspannen und Freunde zu treffen.
haus maus said…
Charlotte: I know what you mean and think the same way as you do, believe it or not. However I don't think Europe wants to maintain it's 'charm' as much as we'd like it to, with every chain they allow to open up here and with every modern building erected, the world continues to move forward towards a more homogenized society. Sad, but true.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't get over excited about UO opening in Hamburg- the European UO stores don't compare to the American stores at all, or at least the London and Dublin branches don't. But they do still have a quirky lamp every now and then, although for considerably higher prices than you'd find in the US. Hmm, sorry to be such a downer!
haus maus said…
zee: don't worry, I don't have my hopes up. i don't even shop UO in America to be honest! But for a little "american fix" at least I know it's there.
Anonymous said…

I wanted to let you know I placed an order with Urban Outfitters in the US today and found a code online that gives 25% off everything! Rarely do the codes work when I find them online but today it really worked! I finally bought the cut-out chandelier I've always wanted and with the discount it came to $27! Can't beat that price. The code is luckybreaks8. Keep up the AWESOME blogs! Jill
Anonymous said…
Holly, if it's "sad but true" then don't patronize those types of stores. If the multinational companies didn't see the potential market in Europe they wouldn't move in.

With every Starbucks coffee or a hoodie from UO that you buy or anyone buys, the world becomes more homogenous. And more boring. Variety is the spice of life etc. Vive la difference.

Buy little, buy local. Reject chains.

I already reject buying Starbucks, McDonald's, Disney etc here in Canada - I wouldn't dream of it in Germany.

A germanophile from Canada
haus maus said…
anon from canada - I see your point but keep in mind that the little guys for the most part need the big guys to produce a product.

Where does the crafter or artist get his canvas, his paint, his buttons, his thread, his scissors, his brushes... mostly from large stores. half the people I know who craft shop at Michael's, Walmart, Target, etc, for such products. Then they go and make things with these items by hand.

Just think if a crafter had to hand make each plastic button he uses on a sweater that he knitted... and the wool didn't come from the store it came from his own sheep.... etc. This is rarely the case.

While I don't shop big box as my first option, I don't reject them and tell everyone to hate big business for this very reason. Big helps small and small helps big, let's be honest here you know?

Thanks for your comment, it's fun to have this discussion!
Anonymous said…
Hello : )
Buying things on-line or in-store? which would you prefer? just wondering lol.. i prefer in-store as i don't really like expecting it to arrive!

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