{art and thank you all}

Yay! I love prints and paintings, the more the better! I was able to sneak some art over in my carry on bag when I flew over from the states so I hit IKEA for frames and here is a sneak peek of some of the art I want to hang in my home. Of course, there is more but I don't have enough frames so it's back to IKEA I go. Plus I want to hang a few of my own photos along with some of the great shots that my husband takes as he is a total pro... But for now you get the idea. So I was on the phone tonight with Ez (the amazingness behind the blog Creature Comforts) in California chatting about our exciting new project and while talking I sat here listening to Nylon and looking down at this artwork wondering if I can possibly get some of this up tomorrow before my crafty friend Anne visits me... And on Friday (it's a holiday here, something about German unity I think) our relatives are coming with cake and coffee and to see our apartment so I'm hoping to have the mirror up over the sofa, some art on the walls, and maybe a shelf up over my dining room table... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! If I do, I will share photos here the second they are up. Promise. I'm now thinking that something fun needs to happen to the actual frames. Wood and white? So generic IKEA you know? Maybe I can paint them or decoupage or do something that gives them a bit of a one-of-a-kind vibe without taking away the focus from the lovely art... I'll think about it and let you know what I do. By the way, we're all in this together, in case you haven't already noticed. Decorating my apartment that is. You are definitely giving me the incentive to work on my apartment (along with my awesome husband who is totally into it as well) because honestly all I want to do lately is hang out with my friends, learn German, eat, and shop! It's so fun here and I just want to be on trains and running around and NOT really at home ordering furniture and drilling the walls to death. Knowing you are out there, my haus maus friends, tuning into this blog most certainly helps me stay focused on my project so thanks so much for that. But this weekend I will go have a little fun at Oktoberfest. :) No beer for me, but lots of roasted nuts and hot spiced wine please! If the weather is nice I will take photos and show you what the fest is like. See you soon!! And yes, for those who have asked, I'll post photos of our crafty girls night. :) Maybe we will make something and share it with you!? xo, Holly


Oh how beautiful! These are going to make such a gorgeous display, I can't wait to see the finished result.
Unknown said…
I think they look so lovely in the frames - generic IKEA or not. The simplicity really makes the art stand out. Maybe you can hang them creatively (like those white nails) to give it your own spin?

Have fun at your crafty night - wish I could come ;-)
Desiree said…
Awe, I would love to celebrate Oktober fest in Germany some day -- my family is from Rothenburg (another place I must visit some day).

Also, one of my near and dear's is in Munich right now as part of her 2 month Euro-tour & I know she'll be finding some sort of Oktoberfestivities to take part in! ^_^

Peace, much love -- and I love how the place is coming together! Allow us all to live vicariously though you.
SisterKristen said…
i kind of like the frames plain. they make the art, which is adorable, stand out.
Concha said…
I love the white frames as well! Maybe they do scream IKEA, but they couldn't be simpler and they do their job, which is to let the artwork speak for itself.

I am enjoying seeing you decorate your appartment so much!!
Anonymous said…
Have fun!
Anonymous said…
The art looks great in the frames. Wow, your house is really coming along Holly!
Cyndi said…
I once knew a woman who covered the mats of her art with fabric. She had a wonderful eye and they always looked terrific. Maybe you could do that instead of changing the frames.
layersofmeaning said…
please tell me..
where are the prints from the third picture from?
Biba said…
Also loving the white frames, they look gorgeous and really show off the art. Enjoy your oktoberfest, i quite fancy some hot spiced wine too please ;)
Anonymous said…
Holly! I'm in the middle of the same project, trying to frame and hang all my artwork in my new haus! I have 3 of the white frames from IKEA, but we don't have an IKEA here in Kansas City, so I'm at a crossroads as to how to frame the other art. Any suggestions? I was going to try a Hobby Lobby this weekend and see if I can find something not too horrible. I'm hosting a bridal shower at my house in 2 weeks and I want to have everything up by then. I'll be anxious to see what you end up doing, you always manage to inspire me! Have a great day!
Coco said…
i know its just temporary but i love your table haha
Like your artwork.
Anonymous said…
I really really love the art in the last photo of the girl holding the book (is it a book??). Could you possibly share where you got it? <3!
Anonymous said…
i vote for plain frames - there's a nice cleanliness about it.. btw, you totally inspired me to go peruse some etsy stuff.

also, i might be getting some gold-framed art from a friend - you think i can actually make that work? i guess it all depends on the art/frame...
Rita Vindedzis said…
It's been wonderful watching you transform the apartment into a lovely home. I think the frames look great the way they are-they really do make the artwork pop.
la la Lovely said…
Holly- I love this stie.. it so fun to see all of your fabulous decorating and dream of the idea of having a second place in another country! I'm finding a lot of inspiration and just enjoying a peek in your place. It's looks FABULOUS! Can't wait to see the picture collage as I am working on one too and not sure how or where to start!
xx Trina
I'm working on framing prints I seem to have been collecting for years now...

I just made a recent trip to IKEA and went for white, black and silver frames so we'll see how that all works out!

I only have 2 pictures up in my entire house (I will refrain from mentioning how long i've lived here!)...I know, I know - SAD!
Oh, what a lovely,lovely sight! All those fabulous pieces of art in frames! Yum! Have a wonderful time at Oktoberfest! Have some hot spiced wine for me! :)
Enjoy oktober fest! i am so jealous! should be tons of fun and you deserve it for all the hard work you have been putting in! :)
Anonymous said…

is NOT


Just a little tutoring...
haus maus said…
anon - REALLY? German Unity Day is not Oktoberfest? Wow, thank you for telling me this because I would have never known! LOL. :) I actually knew that I'm just being cheeky back at ya.

German Unity Day was on Friday but Oktoberfest just started here in Hannover so we went there over the weekend. Maybe you just got confused by what I said.


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