{they're here....}

it's 9 am and just like all good Germans, the boys are on time to build our kitchen. we decided to hire out help to put the right wall unit together because we do not have power tools to cut a hole for the sink, etc. and since we've already built so much of what is in this apartment we decided to give it a rest and just pay someone else to do it. so! the 'boys' are here and i confess, they are not your typical delivery/building guys (rough around the edges)... no these two are two extremely good looking guys that not only speak the most beautiful German (light and crisp), but the younger one (late 20s) looks exactly like Steven Patrick Morrissey (you know, the Smiths from the 1980s?). I mean, I wish I could sneak a photo of him. He even has somewhat of the same hair cut that Moz had back in the day and he is tall (around 6'2") with piercing blue eyes, black hair, and the same chin, face, build... For a girl like me who is so into Morrissey anyway, I am glowing right now. Wow. I keep wanting to stick a bouquet of daffodils in his back pocket, snap a photo, and run! over to my computer to show you. I know that Door Sixteen would love it, wouldn't you dear? Yes it's true, I have Morrissey and a younger Kevin Costner in my kitchen right now hammering away and they just surprised us with the news that the shelving that we had selected will not work (UGH) so now we just have the kitchen sink, dishwasher, and counter going in with nothing on top. But the GREAT news is that they only are charging us 80 Euro per hour and estimate it will take them 2 hours so this is amazing since at IKEA they told us it would be around 550 Euros total. Big cost difference! ...where are my daffodils.... (if you are a Smiths fan you will get the reference). Photos to come after the boys leave!


sarah b. said…
oh, exciting! can't wait to see it! (and can't you just tell them you write a blog & like to document things so you need a photo to commemorate the occasion? haha)
inmost_light said…
I looove Morrissey from this period, with flowers and funny shirts..)
i was on his concert in july, and was a bit dissapointed of what he is now..maybe it's ok, everything changes, but i was hoping to see this naive boy with daffodils..*sigh*
So lucky you to see this again:)!
Stratos Bacalis said…
Oh yes, you MUST photograph them!
Juliette said…
i had Bono's twin deliver something once - i know. =)

bummer about the shelves, but looking forward to the pics!
Anna @ D16 said…
LOL! Holly, I'm so glad I decided to come and check out haus maus even though I'm days behind on my blog reading, because this is hilarious.

I totally wish you had taken a picture! I love my kitchen, but I would demolish it in a second if Morrissey would come and install a new one for me afterwards. :)
Anonymous said…
Holly, did you already tried to play some sort of game of chance ?
I'm sure you would win the 1st prize. You are indeed a very lucky girl ! ;))
brandeye said…
how exciting to have a young morrissey install your kitchen! my husband turned me into a moz fan (we even named our dog moz).
and i believe it's gladiolus that he's been known to dance around with.
the kitchen is looking great!
Anonymous said…
gladiolus and daffodils both fall into the realm of recognized and approved flowers of moz/smiths fans :-)
holly, my 17 year old self is incredibly jealous, and why do carpenters (or any boys for that matter) in the states look like that! if my memory serves me, i saw morrissey 7 times in concert, so i totally understand the swooning, i would have done the same. LOVE the new kitchen!! great work lil-moz!
Anonymous said…
lucky you! i love me some moz. i even got on stage and kissed him on the cheek once! also love your blog, my family is from germany and i have spent lots of time there over the years so reading your blog brings back lots of warm memories. your beautiful new küchenschrank sure makes me miss my Oma. Enjoy it!

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