{kitchen photos}

So Morrissey and Kevin have left, you know 'the boys', and I nearly passed out when Moz shook my hand and flashed me the most gorgeous smile accompanied by his ice blue twinkle eyes. Good lord is it okay to get weak in the knees when you are happily married!? Sheesh! But my husband must have totally noticed it because the second they left he said, "That guy looked just like a younger version of Morrissey" and I immediately chimed in, "Oh I know, and..." talking on and on about him and how I blogged about this already on haus maus... I was speaking to him like he was one of the girls and we were all sitting around the school yard having a chat about cute boys. This is one thing I cherish about my husband -- how freely we communicate our feelings. He is just as open with me when it comes to women and I absolutely respect and love it. Now let's talk KITCHEN. Here is a bit of history if you recall...
Kitchen Before
Kitchen Before
Immediately after major renovation (new floor, removed corner closet, new door, new radiator, relocated hot water heater, new walls, new tile on wall and floor, new plumbing.
How we've been living for 6 weeks...
As I already mentioned, we had some issues with the shelving but it's okay because we can select others and install them ourselves. The major concern was the plumbing bit, hooking up the dishwasher, cutting the hole for the sink, and in general building it because we own only a drill and do not intend on buying a saw or power tools anytime soon. If we were back at home in the states we would have built the kitchen but without these tools we had it done for us. The total was 369- Euros in the end, but it's okay. The total for the kitchen as you see it is around 1250- Euros complete with installation. Here it is! Ta-dah! And currently... Though it's still not finished we are getting there! :) Now for the left wall... Where I plan to place the vintage white buffet with the walnut counter (which I will keep walnut after seeing my IKEA kitchen in place today, I think it will be a nice contrast - new and modern to the right, and older vintage version to the left. :) That will arrive on Sunday so I will show you photos on Monday of how it looks. By then I should also have my stove adjusted to be a bit higher so that it's level with the counter and I should have the shelves up over the sink. I am so happy!!! (images from holly becker for haus maus)


sarah b. said…
Looks great! I really like your sink & faucet. :)
Stratos Bacalis said…
Looking good!!! Cannot wait to see it finished!
Juliette said…
i'm digging that sink with that counter top - nice Holly!
Sarah J. said…
I love those countertops...and that sink...and that faucet! *swoon*
Rusulica said…
maybe he IS morrissey!!! :-)

cant wait to see finished kitchen.
i enjoy reading you.

best regards from croatia
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad my husband and I are not alone in having a relationship like this! I wouldnt say we have an'open' relationship in the way that frankly if he ever did stray id have him bobbitt style but appreciation of the aesthetics isnt confined to art/design etc. We often point out beautiful people of both genders to each other - I think it shows we are very much in love and secure in our relationship. Great post!
PS Im eternally jealous of your kitchenette when does it arrive, are you painting it eau de nil or duck egg blue? because if you do I might have to steal it from you!!!!
Unknown said…
Oh how beautiful! I love the dark wood countertops against the white!
Jessica Preuhs said…
Sweeeet, Miss Holly ;)
It looks great already and I can´t wait to see it when it´s finished and when it has your even more personal Holly-touch after using it for a while.
Ooooh, how I´d love to have seen those guys...Where´s the pictures? HEHE
Love that you and Thorsten have that special thing going on...I can only imagine you talking all girly with each other...this really is special! Sweet couple that you are *hugs*
J said…
What a great transformation so far! I love the faucet.
Genevieve said…
Looks awesome, so airy and clean and bright! Can't wait to see when you get all your little personalized touches in there :)
Anonymous said…
wow! the kitchen looks amazing. I can't wait to see the pictures when you get your beautiful hutch delivered.
Melissa said…
How exciting! It looks GREAT, Holly!
Anna @ D16 said…
Oooooh, it looks GREAT! Are those the wood-effect laminate countertops from IKEA? I think they look so much better than laminate counters everywhere else. I'm not ordinarily a faux kind of girl, but these I can get behind.

Also, I love the integrated dishwasher. I have to make sure we do that when it comes time to get one installed in our house.
Anonymous said…
You always inspire me to want to decorate something. I am trying to convince my husband we need another house so that I cna decorate it, this one is "finished". He doesn't seem to agree with me....sigh....I will continue to live vicariously through you.
Unknown said…
It looks great. I am sure the buffet will fit just fine, since it has the same colors as the kitchen. I am looking forward to more pics.
Anonymous said…
Your european home is becoming so lovely...
a little sewing said…
I am loving your progress there~! And your windows inspire me to keep saving my pennies. I have casements now in my little condo and when I replace them, they will look like your German windows.
Thanks for sharing all!!
Anonymous said…
Your sink is gorgeous. Nice progress!
Unknown said…
I think your puchase of the ......50's piece is perfect with the walnut . Good for you.
Anonymous said…
see Holly you are a kitchen designer!! I love it, looks very comfortable and with the Grandma Buffet it will be a great contrast! Well done : )
Alicia said…
Looks like Ikea really did the trick. You will have to blog on how it holds up so if I ever need to do a kitchen over, and if yours keeps itself in good shape, then I'll do it in Ikea. =) I love this though I can't wait to see the shelves that'll make all the difference.
Ryan said…
I can not believe you can get that counter top over there...I'm so jealous. I want to put a dark walnut countertop in my kitchen but all you can get in the states is maple and birch unless you pay ungodly amounts of money. My dad will help build me one but keeps telling me I do'nt really want walnut. But I do. I want that dark/light contrast. But I wish it didn't have to be custom construction!
Paris said…
The place is looking just gorgeous, Holly - I'm so happy for you guys. And it's always nice when you've got Moz doing your work!!
Steph T said…
Holly- you have such an eye for decorating. Everything is looking just beautiful and I'm sure it's been worth the wait.
Anonymous said…
I'm thinking about doing a wet bar in IKEA cabinets - are the ones you got available in the states? Thanks!
Unknown said…
Very well done!!
I am impressed!!!
panyizsuzsi said…
I love this. Before reading throug your post I thought you have to keep the dark countertop for the Oma's cabinet. I was so happy to read the same!
I've just come across your blog and am loving reading all about your renovations! The kitchen is coming along very nicely!
Kylie Bowers said…
Oh wow Love what you have done, looks Fantastic!
Luna Levy said…
Your kitchen looks great! (We got one of those square IKEA sinks for our bathroom.) You've had some really major renovation work. Since living in Germany, I have installed 3 kitchens! So I know from experience what a lot of work it is - even if you've got cute helpers!

I am enjoying reading your experiences so much because it completely reminds me of the time I had when I arrived 12! years ago.

And yes, Berlin is an incredible, incredible city. It is truly in the air. I miss Berlin.

And yes, I missed so many foods for a long while - cranberry juice... going out for big American breakfasts... black-eyed peas...

Tips: Some grocery stores have now started to carry Ocean Spray cranberry juice, and you can find black-eyed peas in the Asian supermarkets. But you will have to make your own pancakes with real maple syrup :)

Keep writing - I've been busy this month too, but it's always nice to drop by!
Anonymous said…
It's looking fabulous, Holly! That certainly is a transformation. I love how you describe your renovations because it feels like we are right there with you. Congrats on making your home such a lovely place.

patricia zapata said…
Very nice! I love the contrast between the sink/faucet and the countertop. I can see why you're so happy!
You done good my dear! Truly, I know it was sort of a painful process for you trying to design and what not but the results really are great! And that vintage cabinet is FANTASTIC! I love it!

Great job Holly, never doubt your eye for design, even when it comes to kitchen counters and appliances ;)
dsamper said…
i love, love the light fixture. Can you tell me where you go it? thanks!

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