{a day of rest}

Today has been a gray day. gray weather and canceled plans. our friend, who has a car, called a few minutes before we were supposed to meet him to cancel our long anticipated trip out to IKEA to return a few things and to purchase our kitchen shelves. He has a stomach bug. Then my friend who was going to come by today to go shopping with me and have dinner at my house canceled because she is behind on some work, which made me sad because now my day is so, so gray with all these plans canceled. What will I do? I think I will go play Sia (she's going to be in Berlin in October!), light as many candles as I can find, take a long hot bath, and then prepare spaghetti dinner for my husband... :) I had dedicated this day to IKEA and my friend so now that both plans have fallen through, it's a hollyday - I have nothing to do except to be alone and turn it into a nice day for me. ...By the way, I ordered some new rollos for my windows in the living room from Gudrun Sjödén. I ordered them in white but you'll be able to still see the pretty floral pattern. I cannot wait until they arrive in 2-3 weeks. Yay! (images from Gudrun Sjödén)


Anonymous said…
Cheer up! I'm sure most people would be glad to win some 'extra' time for themselves. I like to call it spare time - an unexpected opportunity to do something you have long postponed, for instance.

I'm leaving the office in 5 minutes and we are heading to Mann Mobilia (reason: the mission impossible called K.I.T.C.H.E.N.!)

But indeed, it is grey here in Frankfurt too. I didn't notice it until you mentioned. :-)
Jinnie said…
Probably it's grey everywhere in Europe. It's been cloudy all day long in Holland too and I got up so early to do the laundry, just to make sure all the clothes would have enough time to dry before the rain at the end of the day. But guess what, I was too busy with my little project and forgot about my laundry. By the time I noticed that it started to rain, all my clothes had been already wet (again), lol.

PS. Very nice blog you have. Esp, when it's about home decoration. I have been reading it for a while and now I decided to show up myself :-)
Desiree said…
"Hollyday" made me smile ^_^
Anonymous said…
i want this shade for my bathroom...so wish they shipped to the states!

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