{I'm off to Hamburg}

I'm leaving tomorrow and heading for Hamburg on a business/pleasure trip that will only last a few days but I'm still very excited since I'll be meeting with a publishing company and then going shopping with a member of their staff. I think we'll be hitting 20 stores total! I can't wait. Tomorrow is our business meeting and dinner and then on Wednesday is our shopping day. I cannot wait to meet my contact there as she has become somewhat of a new friend of mine and it will be nice to 'see' her in person. I'm also looking forward to hanging out in Hamburg although the weather promises to be quite horrible, but it will be nice to visit the city again as I like it up there very much. I'll take the high speed train tomorrow and will arrive in Hamburg in only one hour, so that will be so, so nice and comfortable. I love taking trains in Germany. Today I spent a lot of time out shopping, mostly for new clothes at Zara since I had no dress pants with me and no 'business' clothes here as I left my wardrobe in America. Now I have a few new outfits so that is good... I must get packed now and then I'm running out to meet friends for dinner so ciao for now. I'll be back in a few days with photos from Hamburg and some (hopefully) good news about some furniture I'm going to look for while I'm there. Fingers crossed. Oh and we called Octopus today. Can you believe the bed I ordered in May will ship FINALLY in two weeks? I cannot believe their horrible service. And I hate sleeping on the floor. But I will be on the floor for another few weeks. :( So no bedroom photos yet. Sorry. Car Moebel sent me an email the other day, my hallway furniture will arrive in the middle of September (good news) instead of in the middle of October, so I'm very pleased with this! So the bad news and the good news creates a balance I guess. Yesterday we spent the day in the country about 30 minutes south at our cousins home. So beautiful there. We picked fresh lavender from her yard, grilled out, and relaxed in the sun talking and eating. It was great. I love my German family, they are lovely people. I'll check back again with you on Thursday... Stay tuned for photos! xxoo Holly


Tracey said…
Enjoy your mini holiday/work trip. I am enjoying your musings of Germany, as well as the decorating of the apartment. It's so much fun to start with a blank slate- I think I have my IKEA fix for the month thru your blog!
You will love Hamburg. During the Soccer Worldchampionships back in 2006 I read an article written by an american journalist. His boss made him report about event in Hamburg, a town he had never heard of before and a town that he didn't want to be sent to. As soon as he arrived he couldn't help but write travel reports about Hamburg. He actually fell in love with the fleets, the style, the beauty of this special city. So please Americans: while traveling Germany, pls make sure to add Hamburg to your list :)

Holly, enjoy your business trip and I hope your new friend will become a real good first German friend to you.

Anonymous said…
Wow. I think it would be amazing to be you for a day (or two). How exciting!
Petra said…
Hi Holly :-)
thanks for the comment at my blog ;-)
how are you, how had been your time in Hamburg??
I still have some Issues of the Byzance Magazine in my studio, I´ll be there this Saturday, next Monday and Tuesday, If you want, just come around for some fresh tea :-)
warm wishes :-)
Unknown said…
hi holly,
i'm new to your blog, but i've been wanting to write and say hello. you see, i'm an american girl who moved to germany, from san francisco, last july. my husband (also american) and i have been here a year now and i have experienced (and still experience) much of what you write about in hausmaus. it's funny to hear you talk about hunting for household items, designy products and furniture in a foreign country. The sentiments you express are so close to my own. And I love seeing your photos. anyway, if you have any questions about living in germany i might be able to help. and perhaps i can get some photos together of my own little aparment for you to see.
take a look at my website, if you want:
and my contact info. is on there as well.
Take Care and Good Luck with your move. Wilkommen bei Deutschland!

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