{exciting hamburg news}

today i received my itinerary from one of germany's largest publishing houses... they have invited me to meet with them in about a month in hamburg to discuss a potential assignment and i may even have a chance to do some styling work at a food fair this fall. exciting! they have booked train tickets and a room at the empire riverside hotel and i'll be meeting in their offices, going out with them for dinner, and the next day spending 8 hours with a lovely contact i have there and she's taking me on a hamburg tour to 20 shops that she knows i will love. i can't wait! i'll disclose full details as the date draws close. oh and the best part, they've invited thorsten so he will accompany me which is just wonderful and may prove helpful since i speak only english and he is native german. i can't wait to meet everyone and see what potential there is for me to take on some freelance work. it's great to have an opportunity awaiting me in germany on the business side... oh and in september i will be speaking at an event in berlin so more on that too! i can't wait to finalize all of these details and hopefully meet many of you in germany if you are able to travel to berlin to say hello to me and network with 100+ professional artists, crafters, writers, etc. that's all for updates today... nothing new on the homefront. still angry at octopus but since i cannot find the exact bed elsewhere i'm going to wait until i'm in germany and look around at furniture stores to see if there is anything like it. once i have my mind on something it is very hard for me to forget about it! :) hope you are all doing good today!


L&coolj said…
This is waaay too exciting - what a wonderful opportunity to engage in the design community in Hamburg - I'm sure you'll have a blast.
Gábor said…
You're so lucky!
Anonymous said…
Oh Hamburg is sooo great!
I'mn sure you'll love all the little craft/design shops in Eppendorf, Altona and Schanzenviertel
Juliette said…
Congrats on business leads! It's so exciting when you get few fun ones, isn't it? I'm trying to develop my own right now, it takes time!

Really wish i could make it to Berlin in Sept. it sounds like so much fun! alas, not. I'll continue to enjoy the blog though!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! That sounds great!
Let me know when you will be in Hamburg exactly - I´d love to welcome you in my place (milchmaedchen.design in Eppendorf)!

Take care, Irina
Anonymous said…
wow exciting, congrats! it's always good to have work lined up before you move to a new location - gives you something to look forward to and some form of structure and social network. good luck with everything! keep us posted.
angie said…
many congratulations. just found your blog and love it! *a

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