Buying Rugs In Germany

I don't know your style half as well as you know mine, but I'm willing to bet that if you follow me online then you must at least like some of what I post. If so, this may be a helpful topic for you as I'm going to cover rugs in Germany and where to get good ones. It's not going to be a long, drawn out post but it is going to direct you to a few resources for rugs in case you don't have a clue where to find them.

Rug Shopping in Germany
First up is Benuta. They have tons of options. I like their gorgeous and semi-affordable Brink & Campman rugs, which are from The Netherlands along with others from Benuta shown above and below.

Another is Heine. Heine has good rugs, they are affordable, and they arrive within a week usually. If you don't know the German word for rug it is Teppiche or Teppich, so you will need to look for that word when surfing for rugs on German shopping sites or on I love Jute rugs so just search for "Jute Teppiche" and you'll find what you are looking for if a website actually carries them, that is. Heine has many great rugs though, seriously, check them out. Their product shots leave much to be desired and are a bit trapped in 1995 but don't let the mediocre product shots fool you, they have great rugs at affordable prices. I have this rug in two different sizes and LOVE it. I also have this one, it's warm and super cute.

Rug Shopping in Germany
Rugs from Benuta above.

Another German company with great rugs that also happens to have really nice product shots is Impressionen. Click here to see their rugs. The only rug I can advise you NOT to purchase is the Kuhfell, a cowhide rug in gray/white. Though it is lovely and HUGE, mine came with a big brown coffee-like stain on it smack in the middle and some patches in the back where it was sewn to disguise a defect. Not cool. I spent €399,00 on a stained rug that I now have to pay to return! But other than that, I usually like Impressionen and their offerings though they can be over-priced so shop around a little if a price feels too high for your budget. I own the largest size of THIS rug and love it. Rugs from Impressionen usually arrive within 7 business days.

Other places for rugs in Germany:
Strauss Innovation: They now have an online store in addition to be 3 blocks from my house.
Zara Home: Based in Spain but ship to Germany. I heard they may open a Zara Home in Hannover. Oh please!
Das Depot: Usually has a few...
Otto - Again, scary product styling trapped in the past but you can find a diamond in the rough for sure.

If you live in Germany, where do YOU shop for rugs?
I'd love to know your tips, too!


Thanks for the Strauss online shop link!

As for the rugs... Good luck, I am sure you will find here the one or ones:) you need!
Nora S. said…
Thanks for the useful links! I usually just shop at Habitat or Ikea. I can also recommend the online shop "Nostalgie im Kinderzimmer". They have some great rugs as well. My favorites are: and
touch said…
i love the beautiful rugs of rug star. though they are a bit expensive. but you get best quality.
Cecilie said…
Thank you so much, Holly! We are looking for a rug for our living room along the lines of bold and graphic to go with our Scandinavian furniture. This was such an inspiration!
GloamingDesigns said…
i haven't done any rug shopping here in france yet - we live in a studio and are lucky to have a beautiful old rug that my fiancé's mother bought for him years ago. but i have to say the i just love the rug you marked as your second love! it's got such a perfect balance of airy neutrals and color!
Unknown said…
Thank you for this post! As someone who moved here with absolutely nothing, it has been a challenge to figure out where to find things, especially online, since I live in a very small town. One resource I've found for rugs is an American ebay seller that ships worldwide. I am excitedly awaiting a Turkish kilim rug that I recently won. It was an absolute steal. The seller name is "turkishknot."
I would love to read more posts in the future on where to source home goods in Germany, especially online. I was extremely happy with Zara Home, and have ordered from Mirabeau as well.
Thank you, Holly!
Barbs said…
Well we have carpet in most of our rooms so we don't really use rugs. But we ususally go to the big furniture companies like IKEA or Hofmeister.
Funny story: my parents went to get new shelves for our living room. In the showing room were the rug samples (they were sewed together so it looked like a rug) and my dad asked them "So how much is this rug?" Well he was really surprised when it turned out it wasn't a rug. But the company sold it to him anyway.It looks really good under our living room table.
Monica said…
Oh, these are gorgeous selections! We have lived in our house for almost two years and only rug we have is a Persian rug in our office. My parents bought it years ago (probably 40) and gave it to use when we moved to Germany. I really need to look into some rugs, but first I need to look into window treatments. My last go around with that I had a quote for 2000,- Euros for two windows. Ouch.
You may want to check out Don't be scared off by the rug on the home page. They do have a nice selection of wool rugs. If you are ready to spend some money you may want to check out a custom made rug from a Raumausstatter or specialty rug store. They are sold by the square meter and you choose the color and pattern. Thanks for the links!
Unknown said…
I like Ostermann Trends and Ikea or Poco
Anonymous said…
You just can go to a good quality furniture or paint supply shop and they show you the booklets with rugware (Auslegeware). Then you can chose the design, the size and the trimming - if you want some. That is how we have them made. But I mostly bought vintage Kelims in Istanbul like you did :)
Stina said…
I can't afford most of these rugs, but they are very pretty! However, I don't really like rugs in my own apartment because I'm lazy when it comes to cleaning the floors. You have to vacuum the rugs, roll them up, wash the floor, wait for the floor to dry, roll the rugs back out. Too much hassle for me. ;-) And wall-to-wall-carpet... NEVER again! No matter how often you vacuum, it never gets as clean as a floor you can actually mop. Especially if you have cats like me.
Gabi said…
I also struggled to find a nice and affordable Rug. I finally got mine at Kokon Lifestyle Haus. If you are coming to Munich it is a must see store, really lovely - a bit expensive but you can find good deals... But their website do not show all the products they have at the store.. so you need to go and check yourself..
Anonymous said…
What jumps to my mind when you mention Impressionen: They do a good share of copying others. I don´t mean their products, but the way they style&photograph their stuff for the catalogue. There are loads of examples which show were a certain shot from a magazine was totally copied (choice of items, set up of the items, styling, lighting...)

A friend of mine is a dutch stylist and sometimes her work is published in other countries. One day a German magazine that had published one of her spreads called her and asked if she also worked for Imperssionen. She had never heard of the company. The magazine then sent her pages from the catalogue. These resembled the stuff she had done for the magazine very strongly. The editors since then watch the catalogue closely and apparantly the looks to be seen very often are replicates of the work that freelance stylists do for magazines.

Since then I don´t like the store as I believe in uniqueness. Of course everyone gets inspiration from others - but Impressionen goes way too far!

No, I do not work for a company that is in competion with them, This is just my personal feeling that I wanted to share as I once enjoyed your post on D8 about designers and artists beeing copied!
jja said…
I prefer no carpet/rug solution and rather enjoy bare pure wood floors.
Erica Cooper said…
Oh I am loving those rugs... I might have to find one for myself!
Andrea said…
I like the rug tagged second love! Would look great in my spare room. It has a gentleness i imagine would go well in a babies room.

However - I am of the persian rug and kilim variety. I love the richness of them, and have got myself a mini collection. Much as I love your style (and I do!!) I can't help but be drawn by the history of the carpets that are woven all over the middle east.
Nicole said…
thank you alot for your tips, i am alos in search for a rug, as i want to hide the cable rats in the office room. i really have difficulties in finding a decent yet affordable rug, if you want to avoid ikea.
okitaro said…
We bought our rug online from Sweden
More modern rugs there are not my taste but traditional oriental are great. More important though: they have rugs for every budget and I liked the service very much.

Nicole said…
update from lake constance (deep in the south of germany, this is where i live): i ordered a jute rug from heine! i am really trilled, hope i like the way it looks in my office room...
thanks again for sharing this great links to everyone looking for a rug...
Peter said…
hey there, thanks for the review!
I love , the selection of modern rugs is amazing. they also have a great service, I called them and they helped me to choose my rug and I had it within 24h. That was so easy and convenient.thumbs up!

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