Moving Time!

For the past few days, we've been moving and tomorrow is the big day when the truck comes and moves us in to our new flat. I am very excited, it already feels like home since we got the keys on Monday and I was able to show the place to some dear friends and my husband had his brother and friends over and so with people around to cheer us on I didn't feel lonely or in the least bit nervous. I am so excited to have a big space to play in.

I walked over this evening alone and I didn't feel scared at all being in the flat -- it was dark and I walked through all of the rooms to just take it in, "feel it" in total silence and it felt really, really good. I have no idea how I will decorate the house, I don't know what exactly I'll end up buying for it but I do know this - my husband and I are so, so happy and feeling good about our new place and that is such a great feeling to have. After the move tomorrow I will buy some sekt and we'll order a pizza and we'll chill out --  maybe pop in a film and just "be" for the evening with some candles and a little relaxation... Sounds nice....

Goodbye to my little vacation apartment.... we lived in our current flat since April 2008, but full-time since August 2009... and now we will be on our way. Before us, was Thorsten's grandmother in this flat for 25 years. And when we move, his little brother will move in here. Sweet, huh? I guess this little apartment is meant to stay in the family. I have enjoyed my stay here very much but look forward now to settling in, buying more "permanent" furniture as these things were chosen as vacation apartment furnishings and not for living in full-time... So the next Holly house will be a bit different. You will see... Still my style but.... :) You have to wait!

I'll post some photos here over the weekend if there is time, to show you a few corners of my new home. :) :) :)

And how are you?


kelly said…
This is so exciting! Cannot wait to see what you do with your lovely new apartment, Holly!
Unknown said…
funny with the small apartment that stays in the family...
Everybody should leave a little message there, like initials on a wooden door(frame) or something...

When I read your moving posts... I have a little " I want to move as well" feeling... just for the decoration fun

Enjoy the sekt and pizza!
And don`t forget the first dream in a new house will become sweet dreams!

Violet said…
It seems we are both having a great day! I am so excited for you, and I know exactly what that feeling is like- I was the same way when we moved from an 800sq ft condo into my current 1500sq ft home. I remember feeling like I would never fill it up with stuff, and I am already busting at the seams, ha! Have fun putting things in their new place, and I'm so anxious to see your photos. Talk to you soon!
Juliette said…
it's a special thing to walk through the rooms alone, isn't it? =) happy for you both!
How exiting! A new space to decorate and best of all you are comfortable in it. Best wishes.

Pam x
Sam said…
I am so very pleased for you! Have fun in your new home!
Lilli boo said…
Congratualtions Holly on finally finding the right apartment, it looks fabulous. It must be very exciting to start with a blank canvas, as for laminate floors, a minor hiccup with an apartment that has that much character...enjoy your making your new home, a home!
Pati said…
So happy and excited for you! eek..and soo can't wait to see what you do! Love you and your style, even tho it is so different from my own. You taught me to Love a whole new style..
It is a beautiful fall day here in BC Canada and I just spend an hour taking I'm doing well:)
Lisa Golightly said…
congrats Holly, good luck with the move!
julie said…
Good Luck Holly & Thorsten! I'm very excited for you both, it's taken a long time and you have been very patient in your search for a new home. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you decorate, as I'm sure it will be inspiring. Enjoy your first weekend in your new home.
RC said…
So wishing we were moving also!
I´m sure you and Thorsten will be very happy in the new hOmE :)
Oh, and the FUN that awaits you, hehe!
Michele said…
Good luck with the move! Can't wait to see pics!
jodi said…
so exciting!! enjoy your new space!
Anna @ D16 said…
Good luck, Holly! xox
Aw...that is just fantastic dear Holly! I am SO glad you feel that way about your new home~ and I am wishing you all the very best for your move tomorrow! Can't wait to hear all about it and see some pics! Enjoy!
material girl said…
how exciting for you both, moving into a new place is such a breath of fresh air! can't wait to see what you do with it!
TJ said…
Best wishes Holly! This is such an exciting time... your walk-thru in the dark had me giggling. I did the same thing when I moved to Wuerzburg since the Germans take their light fixtures when they leave! Glad it "felt" good and right. Can't wait to see all you do in that fab space. Your reader in ochsenfurt, tj
danielle said…
good luck! moving house is exhausting (emotionally & physically) but you will be so happy once your settled in your beautiful new home!
Dear Holly,

all the best for your move and the first days in your new home.

I´m so looking forward to seeing the photos. I bet they are wonderful!

Hugs, Nadine
Oh, how exciting! Moving can be very tiring, but after the hard work is done, you can get lots of energy from it. A new house is like a white canvas, waiting to be filled with your beloved belongings and, most of all, with You and your vibes. So, good luck, happy nestling, and... lots of JOY!
Gabi said…
Hi Holly!

I am very very happy for you!! I follow Hausmaus for quite a while and know how difficult it was to find this place... The good thing is that you'll not enjoy only this very moment but all the moments that will come with this moving. Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see how your house will look in the next few months! if you need something from Munich let me know.
Unknown said…
-wow! Holly!! Thses are GREAT news!!!
I know how hard "finding the right place to live in" can be...I was just struggling with that a few weeks ago..
It feels really good to read and feel your happiness!!! good times ahead!! celebrate and enjoy this moments!!!!
my hyggelig said…
lovely, just lovely. i have enjoyed the journey. so wonderful for you!!!!
jacobspence said…
I'm really happy for your, Holly. All of you and your husband's hard work has paid off!

I can't wait to see what's in store for this unsuspecting little Hannover gem of an apartment.
Kalessin said…
Hey, happy moving then! :)

We start moving to Hannover on monday and tuesday with mostly my boyfriends stuff and I'll come after with my stuff in two weeks - we're very excited, too. Our first flat together without any others!
Little Pinwheel said…
it is so nice to hear how you feel safe in your new home, and space. I personally cannot wait to see your home all decorated in Holly style. I have no doubt it is going to be amazing and beautiful. Enjoy your weekend, and the final big move. x
How exciting to finally be moving, I hope it goes well and that you are settled in to your new home soon.
Oh can't wait to see your photos Holly, you must be so excited :)

All things nice...
Alles-alles Gute zum Umzug und eine schöne erste Nacht in deine neue Wochnung! Vergiss nicht die Ecken im Schlafzimmer vor dem Einschlafen zu zählen, das bringt Glück! Éva
(die Pinnwände gibt es bei mir im Laden) . Einen schönen Tag morgen, Éva
likeschocolate said…
How exciting! Can't wait to see photos! New adventures and new memories are coming your way. I think it is a good thing. Congratulations!
likeschocolate said…
How exciting! Can't wait to see photos! New adventures and new memories are coming your way. I think it is a good thing. Congratulations!
Sweet Style said…
So exciting to have a new home you love Holly - we built and moved into our dream home last year and after being here almost a year I still love being home every day - could happily just hang out at here all day if I could! Happy decorating - that is the fun part! Enjoy and congratulatons. Leanne x
I hope your moving day went smoothly. You can tell how happy you are with the new place, and that makes me extra happy for you! It will be so nice to feel a bit more permanently settled. :)
sandra said…
your new apartment looks so amazing! i look forward to seeing more of it (of course!) :) good luck with everything!
Nat said…
A little late ... but happy moving to you Holly & Thorsten :-)
All my best wishes from France <3

Enjoy your new & sweet home !
Nat said…
A little late ... but happy moving to you Holly & Thorsten :-)
All my best wishes from France <3

Enjoy your new & sweet home !
Megan Dempsey said…
Congratulations! We are all waiting with bated breath for photos. So much fun to decorate a place with many rooms! As a 1BR dweller I think I would go wild with so many options!
Looking forward to it and I hope you take a peek when I am in the same position as you are now....the NEW is very exciting.... :))))
Frida said…
Hope its all going well for you!!
Anonymous said…
Oh, You LUCKY girl!! Your new home looks amazing...! :D

Greetings from Helsinki, Finland!

Amanda said…
I'm so glad you have found the perfect new home for you and your husband Holly. I can't wait to see things unfold as you decorate your new 'nest'. Hope all goes well with the move.

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