Money I'll Never See Again Thanks To Etsy

How's that for a title? LOL. Well it's the truth. This week, after a really LONG dry spell of not shopping on Etsy due to extreme busyness and lack of reading some of my favorite blogs regularly -- I bought FOUR things. I guess that's not SO much but to buy four things that I really do not need but simply like feels like a splurge. I also must note that three of them I found through bloggers Irene and Kayte (thanks so much ladies!). I think that whomever smugly sits around thinking bloggers do not have influence are SO wrong because when those whose style I mesh with write about something that I like, if I have the extra money for it, there is a good chance that I'll put it on my wish list or like this week, I'll buy stuff I like but don't need.

So... here are my new things... Of course, they're not exactly what these lovely blogs wrote about, but they did write about the sellers and once I found them it was.all.over. I then found stuff that fit my personal style and so here they are... a fake watch, a tea cozy, a cutting board and a lovely frame.

Etsy Buys This Week

First up, my no-tell time teller. How do you like this? It's so smart (as in cool) and will look great on my wrist. I think I'll wear this when I'm out on date night with my husband to show him how I don't even care what time it is or what I need to do, that it's all about him - time stops when we're together. Aw, so cute you could throw up, huh? Yeah, we're like that. We just celebrated 9 years together as a married couple (we got married when we were 12) and we still make out in public and hold hands so if you are rolling your eyes do me a GINORMOUS favor before you judge -- when you go out with you husband sometime, do something make-out-y in public with him. Produce aisle, movie theater, Starbucks. Just start making out a little and see how time feels to you then. It's the glitter, the whipped topping, the sparkle... it's the magic that keeps love tickin'. I swear, you'll be 20 again during those moments and it feels super lovely.

Note: He'll only adore the attention if you time it right (no making out while at Best Buy, that never works, men cannot break their gaze at such places -- the super computer will always win and you'll want to kick him for it). So just plan the so-not-but-he-thinks-they-are-impromptu make out sessions. This is how people who are married for 9 years still feel interested in one another, feel excited to go on date nights together, and don't turn into their parents. :)

Okay back to my cute watch. It's a porcelain handmade little bit of a thing and I just adore it. It was made by Misako Mimoko in Spain.

Etsy Buys This Week

Onto the next mini splurge. This time from a Maine native who calls her shop Gloaming Designs -- she now lives in lovely France. I adore this tea cozy. It's very me. A lot feminine and a bit modern. Can't wait to hide my vintage gold teapot beneath it that I recently won on eBay from England.

Etsy Buys This Week

Okay so this is a funny one. It's from a.heirloom in Brooklyn and is a cutting board in the shape of New Hampshire. I bought this for my husband because it's really going to make him laugh! Plus the little heart is near the town we lived for 5 years before moving to Germany AND the little heart happens to be on Hanover, New Hampshire which was named after Hannover, Germany and is where we use to love to go on day trips. My uncle also went to medical school at Dartmouth in Hanover, also. This bread board has a little story I guess.

I can't wait until it arrives. It's a small house warming present, one of a few, that I bought for Thorsten that I'll gift him when we move in four weeks. I was thinking... If I bought a bread board for every state that I've lived in I would need 6 -- Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and South Carolina. That's a lot of wood!

Etsy Buys This Week

And now for the final mini splurge, I bought this fabulous frame, also from a.heirloom in Brooklyn. It's made of shiny pure white corian and I just adore the shape and I like that it's white because I plan to paint one wall in my home a gray tone and this will look great.

I wish I could shop from my favorite Etsy US sellers more like I once did, but living in Germany limits me because not all sellers ship over here and even when they do the postage can be quite enormous and I'm a cheapskate when it comes to shipping. I tried to shop, who ships to Germany, but couldn't get past the fact that it would cost me nearly $50 to ship 2 bottles of OPI nail polish to me. Insane. Who pays those amounts, some rich expat housewife who shops online all day as her husband plays good little CEO? (p.s. If you are such a rich lady, I am jealous not making fun.)

Have you splurged on any handmade finds lately? What did you buy?


Citrusandorange said…
I'm an Etsy addict, I confess. I'm also very cheapstake regarding shipping costs - sometimes shipping fees make it impossible for me to buy something and sellers have all kinds of mailing options to send stuff, so I just can't understand such huge differences in delivery costs (I'm referring to online shops in general)! My last handmade find was this lovely bunting: Nice purchases, Holly!
Spotted Sparrow said…
Please don't use or any of those US-based online shops. The shipping is soooo expensive, plus you'll have to deal with customs. You can find a lot of popular American brands on, or from UK-based online stores.

That cutting board and the story behind it is adorable. My last handmade purchase was this cute clock on DaWanda - You probably already do this, but check out Etsy's European Street Team for handmade and vintage yummies in Europe.
MyLittleBonBon said…
What a great idea for a cutting board. I adore Etsy for being able to find unique and personable gifts (and splurges for myself)!

My last purchase on Etsy was a little elephant shaped blanket for my son. I picked out the fabrics I wanted and had it custom made similar to this one:
Nori said…
i loved what you wrote about your time with your hubby. too precious! here's to 40 more years of love and PDA!! :)

and i totally love your finds!!
Julie said…
Love that frame!
danielle said…
ohhh! the cutting board is great, now i want one too. in the shape of california where my man is from and maybe they'll have dc soon too because that is where i am from and we live currently. i like your ideas on making out in public though i think sometimes it's great to surprise them when they are nerding out on computers and just start making out with them. & if it weren't for blogs i'd never know of etsy. so many people ask me how i can shop on it cos they find it too overwhelming and i will start listing off blogs they should check out if i think they're into the same style. my last etsy purchase was a splurge too from - la mixx. i bought some of her tees, already have some of her leggings, her clothes are great basics, super comfy and she is really nice to support and buy from!!
Brooke Hagel said…
Great finds Holly! I wanted to call out one in particular but I seriously love them all. (And just may have to order the watch bracelet myself.) My last handmade purchase was this cute tote bag:

I bought it as a gift for my best friend who left NY and moved down to Virginia. I wrote in the card "thank you for being a friend, traveled down the road and back again...." Besides the theme song totally mimicking how I felt, she's also a Golden Girls addict.
misako mimoko said…
Thank you for mentioning my fake watch in such a beautiful way!
I'm very touched ♥
Hope you love your fake watch and enjoy your time!!

P.D. oh! my last purchase was some of these little bead dolls pendants on Variation shop:
Anonymous said…
Janel said…
A silent reader here, :) Mostly a fan though!

I am in Colorado, but I would be happy to ship to you OPI nail polish! It can't be that expensive! If you'd like, email me and we'll see what I can do for you! I LOVE my Super Target, don't have an IKEA (yet), Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel. All are super convenient to me. So don't be shy if there is something you are really wanting shipped to you!

:) Can not wait to see the new place! seriously, can. not. wait.
Janel said…
forgot to leave my email: you may delete though if not needed.
Frau Mayer said…
"(we got married when we were 12)"
Oh, Holly! That sure feels like a lifetime :)
You're so right about making out in public. Certainly going to do it again next week :)
Amie McCracken said…
I just bought a new wallet for my shiny new German driver's license from Rhyah Papaya on etsy.

Totally agree with you on shipping. It's just stupid and causes me to not buy things a lot.
Monica said…
Love your "watch" and I can't help but wonder why it was set to 5 o'clock.
I haven't run across OPI in Germany but they do sell Essie at Douglas.
PS Glad that you got rid of the "boring" option under reactions. I thought it was was so rude that some people actually checked it.
haus maus said…
Monica - Yeah I scrapped it, I did it to be funny but when a few started checking it I thought well it's not making people laugh, it's making them feel like they have the right to judge my content!!! I didn't like that, ha ha. And in reality no one has the right to criticize a personal blog like this because if you don't like a blog you bail not tell the person they stink, they are boring, etc.
Stina said…
Sometimes US brands have different names in Europe, it's entirely possible that OPI (which means "grandpa" in German, btw *g*) is just called a different name here. I have no idea how to find that out, though.

Lots of German sellers don't just sell on Etsy, but on Dawanda too. I've found gread stuff there too. :-)
Unknown said…
Great finds and I LOVE the post title! :) I'm still working on getting my etsy shop opened later this year. I will be featuring batik and ikat supplies from Indonesia, as well as some other fun surprises so stay tuned for more! :)

From Bali With Love,
Um....ADORABLE! Each one but, my heart is particularly beating for that cosy! How incredibly beautiful! I LOVE it!
Paula said…
Hi holly this weekend my husband and I went for a ride on a beautiful warm New England day to get some peaches to freeze for our oatmeal during the winter. We stopped at Lull and Brookdale Farms and as a long time reader of your blog I think I recognized your NH home (!! ??) from photos that you had posted
Glad that you still think fondly of us here back in the states and that you are so happy
Okay, the watch is adorable, the rest.......was a little splurging.

It's fun to do that sometimes.
haus maus said…
Paula - Yes that was my house between Lull and Brookdale directly on the road, an 1870's carriage house that use to belong to the owners of Brookdale. Lovely little place, but I don't miss it because I'm finally at home here in an entirely different country/culture. Funny how that works. Though I will always love beautiful, scenic and quaint New Hampshire. Hollis, Peterborough and Hanover are my favorite spots along with Portsmouth, of course!
Unknown said…
Great purchases, Holly! I didn't know you used to live in Rhode Island - whereabouts? I'm a Rhode Islander through and through.
Farmgirl Susan said…
Hi Holly,
Isn't Etsy the best? Definitely a little dangerous, though. After years of being *so* good, I've jumped back on the vintage buying wagon and seem to be galloping at top speed. Too much fun, LOL. Etsy is to blame for much of my new, ever growing vintage enamelware collection.

My new buying rule is that purchases have to make me happy *and* be practical - and preferably be put to immediate good use. I just have too many wonderful things that have been tucked away in boxes for years.

The enamelware fits that bill beautifully (I love the stuff!), as do old handmade quilts. My latest find was this funky vintage quilt I couldn't resist (and already have on the bed), though at $15 I don't know if it qualifies as a splurge. ;)

Hope you're enjoying your bloggy break and making your book deadlines. Don't forget to breathe - and maybe take a few Etsy peeks now and then! ;)
Renate said…
That little watch is just fabulous! I'm so glad this post isn't what I thought it was, when I saw the title in my reader... my first thought was: oh no, another fraudulent seller. Like I encountered on Dawanda a few months ago. I though I was splurging on a treat for myself. Turnes out, I was just stuffing this persons pockets. Money I'll never see again, indeed...
I'm so glad that most of the sellers are wonderful people. Too bad this seller has badly dented my trust in Dawanda/Etsy...
I just realised: I haven't bought a thing on there, since...
Unknown said…
Oh, that is one stunning cutting board! And don't feel like you're alone with ridiculous shipping on Etsy, I only live in Canada and too many of the American sellers just have no clue when it comes to shipping prices {*if* they even ship here!}.
Those are great finds. I'm always buying jewelry and fabric on Etsy. I browse the big pieces like vintage furniture, but have never been brave enough to purchase. I'm finally starting to wise up on how addicting Etsy is and haven't been there as much lately. But your finds make me want to visit again. You're an enabler! Ha!
jja said…
I Love OPI, every nail polisher from OPI you can buy in Germany :-)
I think it is so cute to be in love after 9 years of living together! You have my congrats :-) has also cheaper shipping rates for Germany but I had to pay customs duty which was more then 30% of the whole amount, they dutied even shipping costs?
Heidi said…
Love your Etsy finds. I love to shop there, but most of what I order is from the US, Canada, South America or Australia. Would love to purchase items from Europe, but the postage is very high.
j said…
I bought this cute little framed print
It's so small, I love it.
Hausfrau said…
That little non-watch is great!
Alycia said…
what! that cutting board is adorable! i also love splurging on things from etsy that i dont really need but really really want :)
Lilli boo said…
I Love Etsy too and regularly splurge... I went ahead and bought from one of my favorite illustrators a print I had been coveting for my 5 month old son. ( have purchased a print for each of my children from this site!),too cute for words...
Hilary said…
Those really are fab finds. That watch is too great! and I recognized New Hampshire right away.
Tamar said…
Hi Holly, I love your blog and congrats on your move to your new home... my last Etsy buy was an oven mitt set and I absolutely love it - it's from Collisionware she does not seem to have the one I bought in store. I just wrote about it on my blog

take care
Anonymous said…
Christina says:
Why not join up with some German Etsy-Fans and bulk order once or twice a year? That saves shipping costs, and it could turn into a real fun evening in itself...

I love decor8 and hausmaus, by the way. I've only recently discovered them, but hausmaus especially speaks to me. I'm German, but living in Australia.
Gail said…
Love your title! :-)

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