Still Searching...

So the search for a flat is still on! I keep checking online and in the newspaper, and I ask around, but nothing has happened yet. And I think there is a reason for this that may reveal itself in the months to come because I believe that all things happen for a reason and that he who holds his breath the longest wins, right!? So I will continue to wait patiently... But I must admit that we do have a lead. Last year an agent showed us a gorgeous apartment -- the first one that we saw back in September, but my husband did not want it at the time.


He thought it was too soon for us to move as we'd just arrived here and since it only had a wintergarten and not a balcony that we should really wait for an apartment that would be good for us. And he was right. But now the agent has told us that another apartment will soon be free nearby and that it has a small balcony and is also in an old building and very, very nice but that it will not be ready until the summer because it will be completely renovated. So we are still looking around but in our minds, we at least have this option and so it may be that it will work out for us. But since it is extremely competitive here for housing I'm not going to share any more details! It's sad, isn't it?

And this sounds a bit too cautious I know, but I need to find suitable housing and since many are all seeking the same type of flat here I must guard my connections and be patient. It's so hard though, I want to freely talk about the apartments that I find or have connections for -- but on haus maus, at this point, I simply cannot. So going forward I will discontinue sharing details on my house hunt and I hope you can understand. It's already happened twice that two places that I blogged about here, that I was interested in, were taken beneath my feet because they found these apartments on haus maus! Yes, really. Even I can't believe it.

But I will let you know as soon as I do when and if we find a new flat. But not until the contract is signed. :)

So how are you doing? I can tell you one thing that I'm searching for. A bicycle! I'm on foot all the time and I'm starting to want a bike so that I can take rides through the forest and around the lake...

(photo: holly becker for haus maus)


Amie McCracken said…
That is awful. I'm sorry. For you and for me. (Because now I can't read about your house hunting adventures.)

I'm looking for a bike too! I really want an old fashioned Schwinn or something cute like that. Don't know if I'll get my wish though.
Brigitte said…
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that happened to you -- it's so horrible.
Juliette said…
oh my word, that totally sucks! I can, and yet, can't, believe it. ugh.

I remember that point right before I got a bike...I was feeling like I needed to move along more somehow, like I wanted roller skates or something! Walking's totally nice, but cruising on a bike is just such a freeing feeling!

We just bought ours at a dept store b/c we wanted a warranty and we think we'll upgrade to nicer, lighter weight bikes in the future if we decide to commit to doing long bike trips in the summer. But a nice city cruiser makes running errands and pedaling along the riverside so much fun! Especially at this time of year when you just want to be OUT! =)
Unknown said…
I've been on the bike hunt lately also. I would love a retro looking rood cruiser but my town is too hilly so I need a few speeds to get me up those hills.

That bites about the apartment search updates. I love hearing about your search but I of course don't want you to have to search forever so I understand why you need to be mum about it. Good luck, I hope you find the perfect place.
jja said…
Unbelivable abouth an apartment.
I just cleaned, oiled and so on my nice white bike, next 6 months it will be my main transportation form and I can hardly wait to start!
I had a car, big, expensive one and never used it so I sold the car and if I need one I use car sharing, great sustainable way of living.
Lisa Keppel said…
That's so sad that people do that! I was really enjoying hearing about your apartment hunt. As I will be moving to Hanover soon (end of July) it was a fun way to get an inside look of the types of places available! But that said, I totally understand you not wanting to miss out on further opportunities! I'll admit that I'm getting a little nervous now though, hearing about how difficult it has been for you to find a place. We we move we will only have a month or two in temporary housing before we must find our own place- scary! I'm as you say, everything happens for a reason and that it will all work out for both of us. Best wishes for your continued search! :)
haus maus said…
Lisa so nice to see your comment, I just clicked over to your website and think it's interesting that you're moving to Hannover. Why did you choose Hannover? And where will you move to here, what district?

Anonymous said…
"...he who holds his breath the longest wins, right!?"

Oh honey, I hope so.
For both of us. :)
Little Pinwheel said…
people never cease to amaze me at what they will do to others. I am sorry that this has happened from you freely sharing with us the homes you find. It will be lovely when you do post all about the home you have found, with contract signed of course! I am sure it won't be far away and back up plans are always good.

I used to do down hill mountain bike riding..... maybe you should try that!!
Maite said…
hang in there holly you will find your perfect place , is waiting for you

and also you will find a pretty yet functional bike quite soon

have a great weekend
Kim B. said…
That is crazy crazy about losing some apartments to people following you here on HausMaus! I never would have thought of that. Sad for us, but the right decision to hold your cards closer to the chest! Viel gluck!
Anonymous said…
This is unbelievable - but when I moved to Hannover apartment hunt was all i could think of. It took so much time, such big effort to contact the Makler and THEN finally I found a place in Benthe. But I wanted to be in the Innenstadt so I went on the hunt again, moved from one shared apartment to the other - from the List to Linden to Döhren to Oststadt... *sigh*...

So good luck to you and no other experiences with people thwarting you!

Helena said…
Holly, about your apartment search I almost couldn't believe what I was reading ... that´s a shame!
Yes, tell us about only when the contract is signed WITH YOU!
Wish you luck and have a nice weekend.
The Jones' said…
hi Holly! I have been enjoying your blog for awhile now and one of the reasons I love Haus Maus so much is bc it's personal. So, I am sad that you won't be sharing about hour house hunt, but completely understand. It is just so sad that people would do that. But, thanks so much for your willingness to share your life with us!

Monic said…
Catching up on my blog reading... I can't believe that a Haus Maus reader would do this. Holly, I think that you are experiencing some of the first negative affects of fame. Crossing my fingers that your apartment hunt will be successful in the next few months. The wish is just a little self centered because I can't wait to read about your decorating process. :)

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