Quality Time

It was cute, what happened this morning. My husband came to me and said we should have a nice little morning conversation. And he sat down on the sofa with me, smiled, and held my hand. He told me so many wonderful things about decor8 and my teaching and how proud he is of me, which made me enormously happy. And he told so many other positive things, it felt so nice to hear them because even though we love one another you know how time gets muddy and you don't always tell the other person just how great they are and what they mean to you.

Spring in here..

As we talked, we discussed dreams and plans. We talked about having a child. A real discussion this time, not some casual mention. And we talked about my goal's for this year and his. I made a list, a top five list, of five goals that I have for myself this year. Although they are too personal to really share here, I felt better putting them in writing and speaking them out loudly to my husband. And we both decided to do things to support one another in these goals and if we see the other one steering off to the left or right, to help steer back to the original list. I am very grateful to have a husband like Thorsten, he is not only super sweet (everyone says this about him and it is true, even at home behind closed doors) but he genuinely cares about my business and goals and what I want out of my life. And I care for his as well but I guess lately all of this has slipped off of the radar for me as I work so much and he was simply offering me time to slow down for a moment and think, out loud, to him. So I have my trusty list. And I know exactly what I want to do this year now and I'm absolutely ready. It does not involve having a baby, but it may involve getting started next Winter. One of the things that I can share from my list is that I want to find a place to live, which is critical to the other four. And so goals are set in stone, so to speak, and I feel like I just lost a lot of stress and chaos that has been spiraling around inside of my head. And you know what... it feels damn good. I highly recommend a list making session with someone that you love and trust, and share it with them out loud talking each action item through. Try to list five, as I'm currently teaching in my students in class. Five is attainable and we all know that if your list is a mile long you end up doing nothing so go with a short list and you should see results. Any plans for the weekend? We will see a property on Sunday and tonight I have a small meeting with some designers in Hannover and tomorrow a whole lot of writing to do for my class next week, along with those mundane errands like shopping and banking, and then I am going to look into a local class to see what that's all about. And you? (image: holly becker for haus maus)


Juliette said…
my husband has had a nasty week at work, so we are chilling. totally chilling together. There's been zero time to see each other all week. =(
But he's coming home really soon, so I have to get lunch out of the oven! Enjoy that weekend!
V said…
How very sweet, and how sweet of you to share with your readers!
Taylor said…
that made me tear up...I am having a really rough time in that department right now and I think it is just wonderful that you have such a supportive and sweet husband and your story is a refreshing one.
Mariss said…
What a great start to a day! Heck, it is so sweet and honest and open, that it's making my AM in Philadelphia a bit more positive. Good luck on your goals!

I think I'll have to sit down with my guy and talk about our 5 too!
oooh sounds like you had the perfect start to the day! Enjoy x
Brigitte said…
That sounds wonderful, Holly. My husband and I sit down every year and write down our individual and shared goals -- it's actually part of our annual budgeting process.

Have you ever read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? The second chapter is "begin with the end in mind," which basically tells us that there are two acts of creation. The first is in our mind, and the second we put into action. You and Thorsten just completed the most important creative act by deciding what's most important to you.

Anyway, based on this post, and some of what you shared in BYW, I think you'd like the book.
I am so glad you had that hun....what a lovely man T must be. I had something similar with Joel the other day and it moved me so much, I may just be able to live off of it for the rest of the year! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Maite said…
Holly I ´m very happy of the relationship that you have with your hubby. Nourish it as possible as you can because is a valuable thing
Happy weekend
Kim B. said…
You are so sweet to share a moment like that with your readers, and your husband sounds really thoughtful. This is good advice. My husband and i are just kind of muddling through, I should really take this to heart and take HIS hand.
Jules said…
On our honeymoon ten years ago (already?!) my husband and I took a paper place mat off the table of a sea food restaurant we were eating at and listed our life goals in one, five, and ten year increments. We found it several years later (maybe 2?) and were amazed to see we had accomplished most of the list in less than five years! This became a tradition, of sorts, and on anniversaries we write out a new list.

There is magic in putting things on paper. Thanks for the reminder.

Very sweet story, Holly. :)
frauheuberg said…
fine that you had a so great day...i have finished yesterday with the BYW-homework...so we will chilling also and go to stuttgardt to search for a storage possibility for our technical equipment ... to organize the chaos in our apartment...;)...and have time for eachothers...so have a lovley weekend and see you on mondays...cheers ines
stefanie said…
Your husband sounds like the sweetest person. What a great morning!
fresh365 said…
This is a really great idea, Holly. I regularly write lists but never thought to share and compare with my husband. Thank you for sharing such a personal story!
Helena said…
Your post is adorable!
This week-end (saturday)we will have some dear friends at home and it will be great.
Gilby said…
What a sweet thing, and thank you for sharing! I've told my husband so many times about the importance of quality time, that whenever we have moments like this he'll ask earnestly, "Is this quality time?"! We've noticed that morning is best for having such conversations, when there's less subtext hanging around, so we make a point of having our morning coffee together each day.
Unknown said…
Holly, thanks for sharing this. I always read, never comment-- but I really believe in talking things through with a loved one and being specific about what you want in life. Some of my sweetest moments in planning my business have been talking it through with my husband and relishing his support and interest. This really resonated with me. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing - I hade a similar talk with my husband the other day. I feel constantly guilty for working too much and not paying enough attention to him. And then, during a crazy week when I was working 24/7 he told, out of the blue, that he was proud of me and my accompIishments. I know not everyone has a husband like this, I'm glad you do too :)
Alison Gibbs said…
That sounds so sweet and you are right we should all do the same thing
Traveling Mama said…
I'm in California attending the big craft and hobby association meeting. It is quite eye opening. I thought about your post a while back when you attended a craft fair and I found myself smiling and thinking how right you were in your observations. Some days I wonder if there is a place for me in this industry and other days I hope there isn't! Is that totally wrong? I guess I am just a little disappointed by the lack of creativity.
Either way, I'm having fun with my mom and my sister and meeting loads of blog friends! And that is worth it all!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Amanda said…
Your husband sounds so sweet Holly. Thanks for telling us about your lovely morning. I think it's good to discuss goals etc. too so you know you are both heading in the same direction and working as a team. Enjoy your weekend x
bonnie forkner said…
hi holly! that is so sweet. :) have either of you read the 5 love languages? it's my most favorite book and talks about the different 'love languages' people speak. needless to say, my love language is 'quality time'. so, this meant so much!

i wish everyone could read this book (http://tinyurl.com/yeadezr). i promise the inside proves better than the tacky purple outside promises (they have a brown manly version for your mate) ha!
Suyen said…
Hi Holly, I have been reading both decor8 and haus maus blog for 2 years, this is the 1st time i comment on your blog, I'm so paranoid recently on my relationship with my guy, and i don't think that he noticed that, and i'm so thankful that i read this post, this post made me teared up, you give me clue what should i do now, i need to sit down, and hold my guy's hand and talk to him about my goal, his goal and our goal, thank you so much Holy. :)

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