An Honor...

As you know, I author another blog called decor8... it's the one that has launched a thousand ships for me as I was once a not-so-happy office worker and now I'm a writer and well, I'm rather fond of it. It's by no means the perfect or the best blog out there, but it's special to me and means a great deal as I've been writing on it full-time for four years next week! And that it is why it is exciting that Apartment Therapy readers have been voting on their favorite blogs as part of a contest called "The Homies" and decor8 landed in the finals -- one of the top 6 blogs out of over 600 blogs nominated according to AT readers. And well so far, I'm losing... but funny enough I'm still happy to be part of the finals!


If you would like to vote for one of these great blogs, please go to this site, login, and click on the one that is your favorite of the six featured. I am there alongside of my friends Anna (Door Sixteen) and Nicole (Making It Lovely) and also Retro Renovation, Remodelista, and Young House Love. I'm happy for all 6 of us to be in the finals! And though I am the first to admit that I really, really dislike contests, especially in a small community like ours where most of us are friends (and who wants to be in a contest alongside of friends?), I think that Apartment Therapy made this contest fair and did a nice job at organizing it so thank you Maxwell and team for your hard work at sponsoring this for the blogging community. If you would like to vote for your favorite blog in the finals, please click here. Your support of the design blogging community through your participation in the voting process really, really means a lot to all of us! (image: holly becker for haus maus)


Rayna in Nyc said…
Congratulations Holly,
I was one of those that voted for you (both blogs).

I discovered your blogs a few months ago through my love for all things design and style (especially interiours and architecture). At the time I was contemplating a move to Europe so was enjoying peeking in on your trials and tribulations (and successes) of moving to Germany. But mostly I liked your writing style -- observant, honest, thoughtful with a good dose of humour. I tend to think of Haus Maus and Decor8 as two sides of the same coin. Maybe one day you may only maintain one blog, but for now I think I can speak for many when I say we are enjoying all facets of Holly.

Continued success to you and hoping 2010 is peaceful and bright!
Melissa A said…
Well I hope your not losing, because I voted for you as my number one blog Holly. The others are good too, but I'm a little partial to yours since finding your blog in 2006. I'm so glad that you made it to the top six. Your hard work is deserving of recognition.
Well said, Holly. And I'm so happy to be a part of it alongside you as well!
Amanda said…
Congratulations on making the finals. I too had already cast my little vote your way and hope others do the same! As much as I do enjoy the other blogs, yours is definitely top of my list - I find decor8 so inspiring and love everything you share. Good luck!
Brigitte said…
There's no contest. Your blog is far and away my favorite, and I read A LOT of them. The only one on that list that gave me pause was Making It Lovely, but there's something very special about the level of engagement you have in your work that puts your blog on top in my mind.

Congrats on all the success you've had. You deserve it!

(ugh, I am such an embarrassing fan girl :))
Teresa said…
Well I will pop over there and vote right now!
I think decor8 is just fabulous!
Good for you for being able to now write full time!
You deserve the recognition and congrats on the following that you have acquired over the last 4 years!
I adore Apartment Therapy...such a great resource...just like decor8!
Woops...gotta go...
VOTE that is!
Unknown said…
I think, having the courage to leave the security of a job and start Decor8, you are already the winner ;-)I envy you!
BTW there still a few days to go! You never know.
Nat said…
Dear Holly
I love your way of thinking and I totally agree with you... All these blogs are great and to belong to the top 6 is already a great honor.
Write it down is full of wisdom!
I wish you a happy and healthy new year filled with inspiration and dreams for you, AlternateWords - Thorsten - and all your readers.
Keep up make us dream... because "To dream is happiness; to wait is life." Victor Hugo
This comment has been removed by the author.
For Me, your blog is my favourite.
I read your blog everyday. Love all your sharing. Your hard working encouraged me to love my job and enjoy life.
I had travelled to Germany a few months ago, look forward to see your sharing in Germany.

Good Luck, Good Health and all the best to you. Happy New Year:)
Cary said…
Congrats Holly!!!

I enjoy both your blogs on a daily basis.You inspired me to A)do something creative(not only when getting paid as a photog) and B)to start my own decor blog.

So...Thank you Holly. You are the best.Oh! I voted for your blogs too.;)
→lisa said…
Congratulations on making the final cut, Holly! I dusted off my long-neglected AT user account just to cast my vote for you (and I'm shocked that I actually remembered my password after all this time!)


Good luck - as far as I'm concerned, you're already the top blogger.

Frau Mayer said…
To be honest, I do enjoy HausMaus a teeny tiny bit more, probably due to its supercozy atmosphere. Well, OK, your Hannovercentrizmus is the reason, too :)
The vote's gone, I hope they have a nice prize!
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly, I found your blog today and I love it. I dont`t understand everything, my english ist not very trained) but I understand the picures :) Your Blog name also is so funny! I wish you a great time in Germany. My Sister conny is living in USA :(
So, a wonderful 2010 for you and your familiy
Cassy said…
Hello Holly! A friend of mine just introduced me to your blog. She gave it to me because there is a good chance that I will be moving to Hannover Germany (poss. Dorhan) in June. I have two children and I have heard great things about the International School there. Your Blog is awesome. I am comming Feb. 4th for a visit. I know that I will see many of the things that you have posted. I am a librarian, so I am most impressed with the book shelves on some of the streets. I am hoping they have some books in English!! Who knows, maybe I will see you there. I will look for you at some of your fav. spots and will be sure to introduce myself if I do. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It has made me feel extreamly excited about our future.
Congratulations, you are a wonderful writer and blogger! My vote goes to you <3

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