Drive By...

So I did a little drive by yesterday (well not really, I have no car so a walk by) of the apartment that we will look at this weekend... perfect location. Right near everything, including the weekly farmers' market. I can't wait to see it inside but I just have a bad feeling because we don't have a family yet and the landlord wants someone with kids. I cannot lie to people or bring kids I don't have or put a pillow down my blouse, it's not my style. But the neighborhood... swoon. So nice. And my friends live right around the corner on the same block, in fact three families that we are close to live in the same block. And there is a grocery store, post office, and public transportation nearby too. I guess if it's meant to be, it will be... We shall see!


carry and drop a lot of fit pregnancy magazines as you go by, you can hold your back too. no one will ask (perhaps you are one of those people with a flat stomach til the 8th month -- they don't know) ;)
Uzunma said…
Hi Holly,
I know how you feel!! My German husband and I moved from NYC to Bremen last year and had to go through the whole exhausting process. Luckily for us, when we found the perfect apartment with everything (by the water, shops, fabulous views, near the center and public transport) we fit right into the building "profile" i.e couples with no kids. The delight at having your perfect apartment cannot be overstated, it makes moving to a new country a whole lot easier. I'm crossing my fingers for you!
Anonymous said…
Good luck!
I say totally put a pillow under your shirt if it's that good. Sometimes you have to make things happen ;)
that girl said…
Goodluck...I know the German system is a bit of a pain!
sternchen said…
I keep the fingers crossed for you!
Maybe you don´t need to lie because the landlord is inspired by you...!
Kind regards
Marina said…
Instead of fibbing, just exclaim how great the apartment would be for kids and that you're really looking forward to starting a family (which is true, only not right now - but they don't need to know that). ;)

Fingers crossed for you. I never minded this process in the UK, but flat-hunting in Brazil was so disheartening (especially after the tenth one on the same day!)
Kerstin said…
I don't know why but I have a feeling about this one! Mmmm ... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, that you like it and if so, that you get it! :) On a totally different subject, I went to the link "Stil in Berlin" that was suggested at the bottom of this post. If you liked that site you may also like this one, pretty much the same concept also a lot of fun and quirky, only in Cologne. Which of course I love as that's my hometown!
I would try and beat them at their own game....bring a child or two along!
vanessa said…
Holly, having lived in Germany and now Switzerland (where it is darn near impossible to be "chosen" to rent an apartment!), I would recommend that you write a letter and submit it with your application, if you decide you like the apartment.

We wrote one when we had little chance of getting a place because we had no money, told a little bit about ourselves, how we loved the apartment, and then even put one of our wedding pictures on it (cheesy, I know!), but it worked!
Anonymous said…
I´d like to say a word about the whole "house hunting in Germany"-business: In Brussels, in NYC, in LA, in London, in Toronto, in Barcelona, in Amsterdam and in Zurich myself, my partner or familiy members have experienced loooooong and frustrating apartment hunts. I don´t think choosy landlords, strange realtors or discriminating proceedings are a german phenomenem.

I don´t want to defend the "german way" (it took us over a year to find a place in Hamburg), but I feel some of the "murmur" comes from people who have no comparisons to make...
Eleanor said…
Wow - good luck, following your saga about this makes me so glad I'm not looking for an apt right now! It could be worse - when I first moved to Munich (on my own) I could speak no German, and there was a MAJOR apartment shortage. Each besichtigung was like a cattle call of at least 100 people. I had no chance. It was so bad I had to live in a friends office for 6 months. It was near my fitness studio, so I would go there to take a shower in the morning. It was awful (I was in great shape though! ;-) Sending you good wohnung karma.
Juliette said…
I agree with talking about how great it would be for kids and how you want kids, which is the truth.

Also - I find myself repeatedly wondering why the big push to say they want couples w/kids? Are they trying to help all the couples who get rejected b/c nobody wants kids (we saw so many places that said NO kids whatsoever)? Do they want community for their kids? Do they want 'understanding' when neighboring kids are noisy?

I think there could be good and bad reasons for this question and think you should try to find out.

Also - don't be afraid of your American accent. Everybody we met during house hunting thought it was so fascinating - in a good way. Also, you've been living in Germany part time for so long, and now want a perm. spot, so they shouldn't worry you'll ditch them to go back to the US. I think that's a good 'selling point' on your part. Make it known!
Ele said…
Holly, I've got my fingers crossed for you that this is "the one"! I always think honesty is generally the best policy, but maybe talk up how much you want to start a family, have been waiting to move to the right flat, etc. Mention that a particular room would make an excellent Babyzimmer (bonus points if you can say it with a wistful, baby-mad look in your eyes). :)
haus maus said…
Anon I agree! When I was looking for an apartment in London in 1996 it was horrible. Even worse when I looked in 2000. Both times I found nothing and never relocated. Same when I was looking at property in Brooklyn back in 1994-1996. I would go see apartments and I felt like maybe the people before me were crack addicts or involved in something seedy, the places looked and felt pretty bad at least in my budget. I also did house hunting in Boston, as I also lived there for many years, and I remember what I went through.

But since I got married in 2001, I lived in a restored barn that my friend "handed down" to me when she moved out and then I found a carriage house for rent that was gut renovated in a town where there was no competition (country living) and that is where I lived until moving to Germany. It's been many years, since the late 1990s since I looked for rental property but remember back then it was brutal. I started looking on craigslist and going on go-sees in Boston in 2006 and 2007, but that was so horrible I gave up and stayed in New Hampshire.

I guess I didn't think Hannover would be competitive, it's not exactly the hot spot of Germany and is certainly not NY/Boston/Paris or London... which is why I'm a little surprised!
haus maus said…
Oh wait! I did some apartment hunting in San Diego in 2005 and saw some wonderful places and had a great experience there but we decided to save up and move to Germany instead... but San Diego was such a great place to house hunt!
Katherine said…
Well, you obviously "know" families--doesn't that count?!? :)
Anonymous said…
I have the same questions as Juliette regarding the "You-must have-kids-otherwise-you-cannot rent-the-apartment" szenario.

Why are these people so eager that the couple has kids? Very strange indeed. Do you have to prove that you´re married as well?
Hilary said…
I don't get it, why do they want someone with kids? I guess because it's a hassle to move with a family and so people become longer-term, stable tenants?

Definitely talk up the nursery aspect! Good luck!
Unknown said…
Tell him you are seriously planning to have a family. It's always good to be honest. What if he told you just what you wanted to hear about the people in the house and they turned out to be students partying all night through ;)
Unknown said…
A little white lie maybe?
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
haus maus said…
They want kids because the home has multiple families in it and I'm assuming they're worried that a couple who doesn't have children would quickly become annoyed by loud children in the house all day long, running around above and below on hardwood floors, playing, screaming, you know how noisy children can be practicing instruments and such. I'm learning here that landlords really care how people in the building are matched. Also many seniors get extremely annoyed by kids and even middle aged couples without children or younger than middle aged like us, get annoyed at always dealing with other people's noisy children. So I think the landlord is trying to consider that and get the right tenants so that he doesn't have to deal with frequent complaints. At least, after talking to my German husband and listening to my lovely haus maus readers in Germany, I've learned this and now I understand it. And who knows, maybe I will love the apartment but perhaps the kids in the home would be a bit too much for me as we both work from home full-time and I do calls and podcasts and such so there are days when I do need my peace and quiet...
Natalie said…
Maybe you should just start working at it so that you'll really be pregnant by the weekend. That way you won't have to lie about a little one coming soon.
Linz said…
good luck on getting the place! we're also in transition and looking for a new place. i found a place that's cute and literally 1 minute from my office...but it's a bit small inside. we'll see!
jodi said…
it sounds wonderful! good luck!!
Unknown said…
Good luck! I hope you do tell them about your plans to start a family, I hope the apartment is amazing, and I hope you get it!
likeschocolate said…
I take back my comment on the other apartment because while it would be perfect for me it would not be perfect for you. You have all white furniture. It would not go with the floor. Enjoy all the white while you can because when and if you decide to have a family the white might go. Children make white not so white anymore. Good luck!
Hmmmmm are you hinting at a pregnancy??
I think I am getting that itch....but I fear my freedom being swept away!....Oh I must hurry before old age hits. Anyhow, that neighborhood sounds too cute...maybe you could post pics of the streets...

Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
Anonymous said…
Fingers crossed! At what time will you be there? If it's during a time when all the kids are away at school/kindergarten, maybe it's a good idea to talk to one of the other tenants in the house and ask if it gets noisy in the afternoon. They may be biased if they're parents, but it's worth a try. ;)
Muriël said…
I have never heard of landlords wanting people with kids. I have heard of landlords that like tenants that work outside the home all day and sit quietly on the couch all night.
I hope you get the apartment you want!!! Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Funny - in the US it's hard to get someone to rent to you when you have kids!

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