
I spent a good part of my day going through only two plastic bins in preparation for our move. Yes, I spent hours rummaging through only two bins - crazy! But they were quite memory-filled. In fact, I cried a few times. I found old letters from a boyfriend I had for many years that I once loved very much. I came across photos of me and random friends and family members. I found sheet music from my voice coach, songs I trained quite hard for in preparation for a performance at Boston University back in the day -- a performance I chickened out of and "quit" two weeks before opening night. Tragic, I know.

mom + very active me

Active baby me with my pretty mommy.
I found lots of short stories, piles of diaries dated back to the early 1980s, sticker books, and lots of songs and poems and drawings. I sat on the floor in my living room, fingers touching years of memories and emotions, some things I'd long forgotten. Some things very good, other things quite sad and hard to read. I even came across from transcript from Northeastern University, my work from Suffolk University and old high school essays. Then the design school stuff from 04/05 and all my design boards - I had to throw them away since they are too large to take over to Germany with me (and where would I put them?) but it felt good to see them again and then to say goodbye. I found lots of notes from teachers commending my creativity and enthusiasm but discrediting my attention to the technical parts, how I wasn't one to abide by rules. I read lots of love letters from Thorsten, things he wrote to me while we were dating. I came across ticket stubs from our honeymoon in 2001, and the very first concert I'd ever attended without my parents, it was on Boston Common in the 1980s - The Jets. Do you remember The Jets? I barely do, I think they were a band made up of mostly teenagers and I think they were considered R&B music. I have no clue. I also had forgotten that Boston Common once had concerts.

little me

Little me in the late 1970s. I was four, my mother made this dress and I was so proud of it.
All of the walks down memory lane, taken in a single afternoon! But you know, I'm mentally exhausted now. I don't know, it felt draining to see and touch and read all of that. It was hard to throw some of it away, but I kept what really matters to me that I will someday share with my children when I have them. I can't believe that in exactly one week, the international relocation company will back into our driveway with their professional packing crew and truck to prepare everything and then, in one day, cart it all away and then we'll see it sometime again in the middle of September. It's strange to think that my belongings will be sitting on a massive ship heading towards London, destination Hannover. I have soooo much to do before the movers arrive - but we had another huge moving sale this past weekend and so now we're down to very little left to get rid of. I'm donating a ton of books, clothing and appliances to charity tomorrow. Everything is going so smoothly, I can't believe it. They say when you really want something that, like Dominos, everything falls into place, one at a time... and it's really true. But before they fall, you sometimes have to tap them with your finger and today I did lots of tapping -- tapping into memories and feelings and I'm glad I did but also very glad that it's over. Time to move forward and upward!


Anonymous said…
Wow, Holly, this is such a great post. It's ironic also, because I just received a box today from my mom (we live 1200 miles apart), and it was full of some old pictures, a scrapbook of my journey to Spain and some recent pictures of my best friend's wedding. It's amazing how 1 box of pictures can open the floodgates, but it's so true!

Here's to moving foward! Happy moving :)

Callie Grayson said…
what a fantastic afternoon for you to be able to go through all the memories. I too did a big move and was doing the same as you are now. It is refreshing to start anew, but really nice to go through the memories and let somethings go and keep those special ones.

Well wishes your way for the big move! My thoughts will be with you during this exciting time.
When I'm clearing out memory-filled items (like you did), I like to take pictures of the things I'm disposing of- so I have a memory of them without having to hold on to the actual 'thing.' Might help with some of the parting.
Nicole said…
Reading this post reminds me of my own experiences. I had a large box of memories that was stored at my mother's house and I was always safe in the knowledge it was there in the closet. One day, about 10 years after I'd left home, my Grandma told me that she had thrown away that 'old box of rubbish from the closet' when she'd moved in with my parents. I was furious that she had done it without asking me.

Like yours, there was nothing of value but I'd never had the chance of looking through it 20 years later, re-reading it all, laughing at my High school diary and wondering how tiny things could cause such angst. I missed the chance of whiling away a rainy afternoon and luxuriating in days gone by.
My Husband helped me to see it was only 'stuff' and I eventually got over it. Now I store my memories in my own box and know that one day I'll need to weed through it when we do the opposite move to you, from Germany to the US!
I'm glad you had the chance to review yours before you come here to start your new adventure!
Traveling Mama said…
Your post really brought back a lot of memories for me. I did the same thing as we packed to move here. It was like passing away but being the one to go through my own things. It was odd, freeing, unsettling, and meaningful all at the same time. As I looked through my own trophies, ribbons,essays, photos, and such I would ask myself if my kids would want to see it one day. If so, it went into a special plastic bin and now sits in my sister's attic. I think what was so odd about it was the sense of history, my history. It didn't feel right to simply erase myself and my history nor did it feel right to burden my family with all my HISTORY. It's so exciting that you are so close to moving! I'm sure next week is going to be crazy, but I hope it is a good week for you! Hugs!
Unknown said…
Your relocation company may have already told you this, but you need to make sure you don't pack things like nail polish, paint, recently refinished furniture, candles...

If your belongings are traveling via ship, they'll be in an exposed cargo container where the temperatures can reach a few hundred degrees, and anything remotely flammable can ignite.

*My* relocation company told me this two hours *after* the movers had left the house, so I got to wait six weeks wondering if all my belongings had gone up in smoke. (Why yes, they did have me lie on the transport forms. And then the German shippers had me lie on the import forms, because stating that I'd packed a set of kitchen knives would have meant customs would have opened every box at my expense. Don't pack knives either.)
Victoria Klein said…
Sounds like a beautiful day of contemplation amongst all the changes you are going through right now. :)
frauheuberg said…
hej holly,
yes it is so incredible how memories came back when you look at things that touch you in a special kind of way...good or bad...all memories give us the feeling to be alive...and thats wonderful...
isn`t it?
we are a two women company in germany and are glad to welcome you soon in our country...have a good moving...we will think to you...good vibrations...frauheuberg :)
Anna said…
i love going through old photos & things. its truly amazing how much a captured moment or merely a certain smell can take you back & open a gate of emotions--its remarkable how fast it can all come flooding back...
i really admire your bravery & wonderfully adventurous life!!
its amazing women like you that give me inspiration to spread my wings & live to the fullest in this beautiful world!

Viel Glück!!
There is nothing like pre move purging, organizing and sorting!!!! But what a wonderful way to spend the day, sorting memories and reinforcing them with beautiful images of your past!
Juliette said…
what a nice afternoon!! we just did this yesterday UNpacking =) hee hee, it took us forever to unpack because we kept flipping through all our photo albums and reading aloud from journals and cards - but it was so fun!

yay for making time to enjoy those memories again!
Holly, I am inspired by your move...letting go of things, not memories. It really makes me want to move just to go through the cleansing process of sorting...figuring what is really important to me. It's amazing how we amass "stuff", and sometimes let it run our lives. I hope that you can find some sort of peace and freedom these next few months knowing that there is so much more out there for you to discover; "baggage free". :)
Melissa A said…
How cute you are! Thank you for sharing some of your childhood pictures and memories. I get lost in things like this sometimes as well. You think you are just looking for one thing or cleaning things out and you get lost in a sea of memories. Sometimes it's nice to do that though. It's great to see where we had been and where we are now.
alix said…
That photo of you is And I totally remember The Jets now that you mention them. Weren't they a huge family who were tryin to be like the new Jacksons or DeBarge??

Aw yeah Holly....just did a quick Google!! Check it out: com/watch? v=4-94JhLEiN0
The dance moves! The Keytar!

Anyway, this is such a sweet and cool post. It's so hard to let go of those things, but I love that you said you were able to smile and then let go.

And soon you will be in Germany!!

So exciting.
So so exciting.
Brinylon design said…
I moved across the Atlantic twice, and I can tell you it is an amazing experience (if a little disturbing) to watch those movers pack up every shred of your home in about 90 minutes flat. My advice is to sit outside with a cup of coffee until they are done, so you can be there in case they need to ask a question, but you're not watching their every move.

Also, they will pack EVERYTHING. As I found out, when I came to unpack my 67 boxes (from a 2 bedroom flat) and kept unwrapping parcels to find some spare change from the nightstand, or a used tissue, hairband and unopened envelope all wrapped up in packing paper!

My other tip is this; should anything happen to your items in transit (I'm sure it won't) do not let the movers take them away, even if they are completely destroyed. Photograph them, then store them someplace because the insurers will not pay out if you do not have pictures. Best of luck with the move.
Julie said…
You have a beautiful blog....I think my mom used the same pattern to make me a dress like yours as a kid. :) Made me smile when I saw it.

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