
Hello my dear house mice! I hope you are doing well and having a happy Spring so far. Seems we are finally getting some good weather here in New Hampshire, I went on a 3 mile walk in the nature reservation on Monday and enjoyed being in the sunshine so much, it's amazingly refreshing to be with nature and to have no plans, except to enjoy the day, take a few photos, and watch the little creatures building their nests and tending to their young.

During my walk I found...

I saw many eggshells on the ground, which made me smile, and lots of muskrat lodges with busy little muskrats nearby working on them with a certain twinkle in their eye. I even spotted a goose who was quite convinced that a certain muskrat lodge was her nest and so right on top she sat, proud and determined to stay just as she is. I am not sure if the little muskrats were keen on having a hood ornament on their lodge, but she did look rather sweet perched on top so perhaps they don't mind her there too much.
A Muskrat Lodge :)
Awww, cutie nature can be soooo relaxing though, don't you think? All these little creatures out and about, working on projects and busy, busy, busy! Every thing has a plan, the ants, the woodpecker, all of them... they have a mission and follow through to the end. Such a good example I think to look to them at times when we ourselves feel drained or like we cannot follow through on a project. It's so important not to give up and to persevere. There is so much reward in pressing forward. Did I mention that I started teaching an e-course called Blogging Your Way? It's rather labor intensive for me on top of decor8, Real Simple, Cookie, Kindred, and all of the other miscellaneous projects I work on but you know, it's amazing to connect with my 208 students and to talk to them so informally on a topic that is very near and dear to my heart: blogging. I guess I'm so passionate about it because it gave me something that I never imagined I'd have -- a voice. I have a voice, people read my words, and I have made the most generous and caring friends in the world from being online meeting so many creative people on a daily basis. Blogging Your Way is a class I am teaching for 4 weeks, currently we're wrapping up our 2nd week so we're nearly halfway through the course and I personally feel like my students are enjoying my words and podcasts. I was rather timid about recording myself and talking to the wall here in my office but I tried visualizing a classroom in front of me and it really helped me to come alive and to speak freely and openly. I love podcasting now, I'm a bit addicted to it because it gives me a chance to show my personality in a different way. My students comment that they can hear me "smile" in my podcasts and it's true, I can hear it too when I play them back. Truth is, I smile a lot and it's easy to hear when you listen to me on a podcast, it's kind of funny because I never before knew this fact about myself. I also use my hands so much when I speak, I nearly knock over my microphone on my desk when I am recording. My mic almost flew across the room today, I got so into my topic! It's fun to listen to myself speak, I mean how many chances do we have to hear ourselves talk right? When I'm listening to myself, I often feel like I'm listening to someone else because I'm not entirely familiar with my own voice. It's hard to explain this in words so I'll leave it at that. Maybe you understand? Anyway, I'm loving my e-course and hope that my students feel as energized as I'm feeling by it! That's all I have to really share for now. Nature and e-classes. But I wanted to at least show up and give you all a giant cyber-hug and let you know that I'm thinking about you and hope all is well in your corner of the word. xo Holly


Nataly said…
I'm enjoying while reading your blogs......
I'm a new blogger, many things seem confusing for me, well I hope that you would like to help me :)
1richtungsblog said…
Hi Holly,

The e-course is fantastic and I have applied some of your tips already :-) which I will post on the homework forum.
Thanks a lot! -Anita
SoniaBonia said…
Will you have another e-course maybe later this year? I would have loved to take this one but it didn't fit my timeline. :(
cindy said…
maybe one day beyond a podcast, you could set up a mock classroom and give a "lecture"? ;) one of my friends who is getting her masters in education is required to record every single class she teaches, then go back and review it. like you, she mentioned how strange it is to hear and watch oneself speak and teach. but i think it's a great learning tool.

you're a great teacher, holly!
Lisa Hebden said…
Hi Holly,
I listened to your podcast #3 today while painting and when you said "I don't want to take up too much of your time" I said outloud "No! It's great, keep talking!" You have a very soothing informative voice. I will miss the podcasts when the class is over. Go on as long as you like!

RLMEnglish said…
Your course sounds like truly a fun learning experience. I am glad you have so many people to share it with at a time. :)
Nature is certainly near its best when it is super cute. I watched a tiny robin dig in my front planter under the boxwoods for fifteen minutes yesterday and never did figure out what he was looking for, nor I guess did he since he never came away with anything. But I guess we both had some fun in the end. :)
eLIZabeth Floyd said…
Hi, the e-class has been great so far. And I am so happy you have found your voice and are generous enough to share it with others.

Thanks a bunch!

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