{car möbel is not my friend now}

okay i really do not get it. i ordered my entryway furniture and i'm told it will be shipped in 10 days. today another email arrives stating that they do not have it stocked and that it will not arrive to them from the manufacturer until october. are they kidding me? seriously. what is up with germany and their businesses? i hate to make sweeping statements but shopping in person is usually hit or miss. often the shop owners act like they are far too interested in ignoring you and talking on the phone than to actually greet you. now i'm finding that shopping online in germany is no different. no customer service focus whatsoever. just emails telling me i need to wait 7 years before it's in stock. no wonder everyone carpools to ikea on the weekend. at this rate, my entire apartment will be from ikea because frankly this whole game of ordering online sucks. in america if something is out of stock the website says so when you try to order it. in germany you find out after your ordered has been processed. what gives? so i'm very frustrated right now. angry even. and i'm starting to think that i should just buy everything here and ship it over because god knows it will arrive a hell of a lot faster by boat from america than from some stupid web shop in germany. arrr. but germany, i still love you despite your horrible customer service. i hope when i arrive in hannover and shop furniture stores in person that i can write something positive about shopping in germany for once. i really want to say nice things. really i do. xo,


Anonymous said…
Europe has a lot of good things to offer but unfortunately customer service is not one of them (compared to the US customer service). I'm sorry to hear this Holly, good luck!
Juliette said…
be glad they at least communicate via email I suppose. If you have to call these places in Germany for customer support it will cost you and arm and a leg! (even Ikea makes you pay to ask a question, even if it's about assembly or wondering why your delivery dude is not showing up)

If there's some special trick to dealing with the German way of customer service, somebody PLEASE post. Inquiring minds want to know!
Jules said…
I agree with Danielle. We have much to learn from Europe, but Europe has just as much to learn from the US. We're not always the oafs and infidels of the world. ;)

Chin up. It will all work out for the best. Maybe you can find something similar at a different shop? And if not, October isn't too bad. It's bad, but not terrible--at least it's just the entryway furniture, and not a sofa or bed! Oh, wait. You're having problems with the bed, too. Yuck!
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you posted this, but I really do wish things were going better for you.

I had a bad customer service issue in the states today and I was thinking, what's going to happen when i move to germany? At least in this country it's my native language.

You know, waiting until October isn't so bad. Especially for something you love. I think the weather in Germany should be at least half-way decent until then. Just be sure to let them know that if they somehow get something in earlier, you'd love to have it delivered earlier.

Also, don't buy and ship from here. In a year or two you'll have all these beautiful pieces you purchased in Europe - and all the wonderful service stories to go with it!
Anonymous said…
hi holly,
i'm from germany and i recently ordered a few things at car selbstbaumöbel and i had to wait a few weeks but the furniture is absolutely amazing and beautiful!! the quality of the wood is so beautiful and so worth waiting for. you can't compare it to ikea at all!
just take things easy and relax-eventually it will all come together! the only thing that matters is that you and your husband get here safe and enjoy every second of your life!
viel glück! :)
Anonymous said…
I would wait for the order, you seemed to love everything so much. I do know that sometimes things come in earlier then the date given. I just bought a West Elm lamp that I was told was sold out, then backordered, and after I put in the order it arrived just 4 days later!
Anonymous said…
Hi! we europeans are not instant people. old cultures grown over long times.
the fascination of living in another culture are the new ways, new perspectives, another kind of beauty. best of luck on your journey (and yes journeys do take time)!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Christina, Car furniture is so worth waiting for! :-) Don´t be too upset, it´s the way it works over here; not that I would like it very much this way, but - what can one do ;-)
hey, cheer up, holly!

CAR in fact is damn slow, that's right. but the funiture is worth waiting!

;o) nic
Anonymous said…
Dear Holly
stop thinking like the american you are when you are in Europe. Try to get used to this kind of things, they will always happen. Don't be in a hurry.
Eva said…
Oh, I know how frustrating it can be in Germany :(((
We are waiting for our kitchen for 8 weeks, kitchen table for 6 weeks and so on...
Unfortunately, I don`t know if we have any alternative to that! You have to wait for everything you order, no matter from which store.... :(( SIGH......
Anonymous said…
My husband is from Munich and we live in the States. Whenever we go back to Germany, he inevitably comments about how customer service is almost nonexistent compared to that in the U.S. Many store clerks seem to walk around with a chip on their shoulder and just cannot be bothered to assist customers, at least not without a big sigh and an annoyed look. They usually don't get our business. On the flip side, we've had many pleasant experiences as well. Some Europeans may try to generalize all Americans as wanting things instantly. That attitude isn't anything new, but I don't believe it's solely an "impatient American thing" to expect common courtesy and good customer service. I would think every culture desires to be treated with respect. New world or old world. Good luck with your furniture shipments...I'm sure the pain of waiting will fade once you are enjoying what you selected and love!
Michelle in the U.S.

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